William 31st January 2023

Good morning beautiful Topsy. I thought that I was late this morning little girl, but what with that has been going on lately, I do not know what day of the week it is, never mimd the time. I have been awake for over five hours already, I was late getting up this morning to the time yesterday, but I still had time to feed George, get a wash, feed George, brush my teeth, let George out, and get a good swig of some chocolate milk before I left to walk here. It was absolutely awful walking home yesterday little girl, hardly anybody came in to see my poor Mum, I was not offered a cup of tea, though when I asked where I could get a sandwich and a cup of tea, I could not understand a word that the doctor told me. I did not want to be rude, so I had to go without, which I am used to having to do anyway. About fifteen minutes before I was going to leave so that I could avoid the herds of barging humans, a nurse told me that she was going to come and see my poor Mum. I waited, and I waited, but after half an hour after I was going to leave, I had to go, and got in someones way as soon as I stepped into the corridor. It got worse before I left the hospital site, and then it just got unbearable… no matter what side of the pavement I walked, which should have been the left, I was in some muttering, barging odd ignorant humans stinking way. Even when I was going past a big old doorway, some girl came barging out of there, crashed into me, and I had to apologise. It was so bad that I was glad to get home, then I fed George, got a drink ready for the evening, then had to get upstairs to my cold, empty room with no beautiful Molly to greet me. I was very hungry when I went back down there to get my drink ready, and seeing as last time my poor Mum was in hospital, my sister was waiting to get into the kitchen to cook herself and something a big fry up every evening, I got out the way with biscuits. The fridge and cupboards had been stuffed with food, but I could not get anything. I keep my brown sugar on a shelf in the cupboard by the scary old kitchen door, and something had even been stuffed on the top of that… even the little bit of stuff that I keep in the kitchen is now in the way. The fridge looks as if it has fallen over, and nobody can be bothered to put everything right, and I am sick and tired of doing so, all I want to do is give it a good clean, but I can never do that, as whenever I get in the kitchen, something is waiting for me to get out of their way. I do not know what can be going on all day at ho,e, but surly the fridge could be cleaned, after all, I am not there to get in anyones way. When I got here early this morning, I got a shock, as my poor Mum was not in her room, as she had been moved, and they had not told me. It took me as long as it would to walk into town before I found the wing, then I had to walk up about 130 stairs to get here. My poor Mum had just been moved there, and I was able to talk with her properly. I had only been here a few minutes when I was offered a cup of tea, it was so nice, it is so much better here than it was yesterday. I would really like to have something to eat this evening little girl, a large bowl of noodles it is not much to ask for, but I shall probably have to make do with biscuits again before I have to get out of the way. It has been busier in my poor Mum’s room this morning, than it was the whole time that I was with her yesterday. I love you so much Topsy, I do love you little girl, and I do miss you, I miss you so much you beautiful, brave little girl. XxX