William 3rd January 2023

Good morning beautiful Topsy. I am getting confused with tapping away to Charlie, you, and now poor Molly little girl, it did not even cross my mind that I would be doing this to Molly, she should be here with me, clawing on the bed, climbing the net curtains, and asking me for biscuits. It was the same old thing yesterday, with me feeling very depressed, and somehow being in somethings way whenever I went downstairs. When I went down there just before midday, it was waiting for me to get out the way. I had to come back up here to make the bed though, and I am so used to taking Molly down there to the kitchen while I come back up here to do it, I cannot get out of the habit. When I went back down there, I had just enough time to make my poor Mum a cup of tea, then get myself a drink ready for the evening, and it was back up here. I did not go back down there in the late afternoon, as something has been waiting for me to get out of the way then as well. I did not hear anything barging down the hallway and yanking on the bathroom lights just after I would have got up here though. I had to get out of the way quickly when I went down there for a large bowl of noodles though, as something was waiting to go barging down the hallway then… and when I went down there for the last time last night. It was so cold that I got into bed earlier than usual, but I do not know how long it was before I fell asleep, and I have had to try to stop having nightmares. I keep seeing Molly crying out loudly and passing away in my hands, it makes me shout out during the day, and during the night, and I am getting on other people’s nerves, as they are complaining. I do not know if I shouted out during the night, and I do not know what kind of night I had, though I am very tired. I woke up very early this morning, but managed to get back to sleep, then I woke up at the exact same time as I did the morning of Molly’s passing, three long horrible Tuesdays ago. I got up, and when I got down there to the kitchen, opened the garden doors, and George came in crying. She ate four packets of food before she wanted to go back out, then she came back in, ate another packet, left some on the plate, and wanted to go back out again. I tried to get George to come back in, but she just sat there showing me her teeth, and I could not mess about, as I had to get out of the way, so I closed the door, and got back up here. When I went back down there to make the coffee, I opened the garden doors, George came in, and I gave her the food she had left. Of course, by then, something was waiting for me to get out of the way, and when George went straight back out, I had to close the doors. After I had taken my poor Mum her coffee, I had a quick look for George, but she was not there, so I got back up here out of the way again. I will have another look for her when I go down there next, but I will be in the way again. I love you Topsy, and I miss you too little girl. XxX