13th November 2022

Good morning beautiful Topsy. It was the same old thing again yesterday little girl, in the way whenever I went down there to the kitchen. George came crying to the garden doors when I went down there late yesterday afternoon, and I could not leave her crying, so I let her in for some food. I gave her a golden tin of poor Percy’s salmon with a melting heart, and when she had finished that, I had to get out the way… I had just enough time to wash her plate, then it was back up here. By last evening, I was very hungry, and hoped that I could get another bowl of noodles, but I could not get down there to the kitchen until later than normal. When I did get down there, something was waiting to come barging down the hallway, so I just had enough time to see to Molly, pour myself a hot drink, and then I had to come back up here without anything to eat. I was not very happy, but I had to get out the way even quicker last night when I went down there to get out the way with Molly. Old trollops were letting off fireworks out there in the lane, and a load more were let off over the back there… it was a horrible day little girl. Seeing as I was nearly falling asleep early yesterday morning, I hoped that I would have a good sleep last night, but of course, I did not. It was not as bad as the night before, but when I woke up early this morning, I still did not want to bet out pf bed. Molly was waiting to get laid down, and when I got down there to the kitchen, George was crying at the garden doors. I hoped that poor Percy would come running in with George, but he did not, and I had a look for him. I gave George two packets of food, then another two, and when she had finished them, she wanted to go out… then came in, went back out, and came in again. I left her down there in the kitchen, but went back down there to see her a while later, she was curled up asleep on Charlie’s chair by the washing machine. When I went back down to make the coffee, she ran to the garden doors, and I let her out. I came back up here for Molly, who was waiting to go down there, then when I took my poor Mum her coffee, I had to get out the way again. As I tap this out, large breakfasts of mushrooms, eggs, bacon, beans, sausages, fried bread and loads of bread and butter are being served up, then this afternoon, great roasted dinners… though I doubt that I will be able to have a bowl of noodles this evening. I think that George ate more yesterday than I did in two days. That has made me feel low again little girl, I cannot think of anything else to say. I love you Topsy, and I miss you too little girl. XxX