12th November 2022

Good morning beautiful Topsy. Yesterday was about the same as the day before little girl, I felt so low, I forgot to tap anything down. Of course, I can remember being in the way whenever I dared to go downstairs, and I had to get out the way so quickly late yesterday afternoon, I would not have had the chance to get any babybel cheeses… it was a good job that I was mot hungry. I was very hungry by last evening though, but had to make do with a couple of slices of carrot cake. I got out the way as quickly as I could with Molly last night, as something was waiting to come barging down the hallway. I was so tired that I got in bed as soon as I could, hoping for a good sleep, and maybe a lay in… I did not get either. I was awake so many times, and when I woke up early this morning, I just laid there, hoping to fall asleep again. Of course, that did not happen, and as I crawled out of bed, there was no sign of Molly waiting for me to get out of her way. When I got down there to the kitchen, George was crying at the garden doors, and I was sure that I heard poor Percy, but he was not there when I opened the doors. I gave George two packets of food, then another two, and when she had finished that, she wanted to go out. She soon came back in, and stayed in until I made the coffee, but then I had to get out the way as soon as I took my poor Mum her coffee. I am so tired little girl, and at this time of the morning as well… all I want to do is to get in to bed, and go to sleep. However, there is so much banging, crashing, sawing, doors being slammed, and coughing and spluttering coming from that noisy house, I do not think I would get a chance. I will be lucky to get just a few hours tonight. I have started seeing double little girl, I am going to have to stop. I love you Topsy, and I miss you too you brave little girl. XxX