29th August 2022

Good morning beautiful Topsy. I was expecting that fat-tongued lunatic to be out there in the stinking old swamp, screaming and squawking like a prehistoric seagull yesterday morning, but it had not come out there by the time I went down to the kitchen just before midday. Of course, I had to more-or-less get straight back up here again, as something was waiting for me to get out of its finger-licking, chomping, gobbling way, so it could wash its gobbling plates. It was still quiet when I got back up here, so I looked for something to watch, but could not get in to anything… then I found a film to watch. That is when I started to get hungry, but it was ages before I was allowed back down there, and I was going to have some noodles. As I was watching the film, that screaming psychopath came out, it was screaming and squawking away at the big old fence, and I wondered what it was going to have an argument with… maybe the sky. By the time I was allowed back down there, I was starving, but of course, something had to go wrong… someone had gone in the downstairs bathroom just before I went down there, and left the door open, it is happening a lot lately. I could not believe it, I made sure that Molly was okay, made myself a drink, and got back up here out of the way. Something was thundering down the hallway before I had even got sat down, something that as usual, had made sure that it had a good feed. I was angry when I went back down there to give Tiddles her chicken soup, but I did not say anything, as it would have been twisted around, and made to be my fault, the same as that evil old ogre used to do. After I went back down there to get out of the way with Molly last night, she went straight in her tray, then she was sick in the window… and then that screaming lunatic cane out to scream and squawk by the big old fence. There is never a crossbow around when you need one. My dopey daft head hit the pillows around the same time as the night before, I had another awful night, and was awake this morning about the same time I was yesterday. When I got down there and opened the garden doors, there was no sign of Percy or George, then poor Percy came up the garden, came in, then George came wailing along. Percy did not have the time to eat his usual yesterday, so I gave that to George, and gave Percy two packets of food… though George wanted them. I had to take poor Percy’s plate away, then George went and cleared her plate, but still refused to go out with ham. In the end, I had to let her out, then gave poor Percy his food, and got back up here out the way. I went back down there to see Percy, but he had not touched his food, and was just laid on Charlie’s chair by the fridge. When I went back down there to make the coffee, and then get out something’s way, he still had not touched it, even after I put salmony squirty stuff on it. When I took my poor Mum her coffee, there was a large warthog type of thing, stuck there, waiting for me to get out of its way. I went back down there to see poor Percy, got some biscuits from the fridge, then got out of the way again. I am hoping that we will have the same thundering old thunderstorm as we had the other morning, but that is about as likely as me being allowed to eat a proper meal this evening, with peas and mashed potato… let alone a bowl of noodles. That highly deranged maniac will be out there soon, and it will have its great big screaming cakehole with it… it may as well ruin today, it did yesterday and the day before. I am so tired, I am almost falling asleep typing this out, still, a large, mad scream should keep me awake. I love you Topsy, and I miss you too little girl. XxX