28th August 2022

Good morning beautiful Topsy. Some big-mouthed old trollop came out there into the stinking old swamp just after I had finished on here to you yesterday little girl, and its great big cakehole was bellowing away to the wailing thing that it had with it. When I got down there to to the kitchen just before midday, my sister told me that that deranged lunatic had been out there in the lane, and was having and argument with its blasted football, and was screaming and screeching at it. Seeing as dopey daft me is right back here at the back of the house out of the way, I did not hear the deranged thing, but I soon heard the loose marbled barmpot when it came out there into the stinky old swamp, arguing with some grass most probably. It was an awful afternoon, with that screaming lunatic, a herd of knock-kneed old trollops, and a drunken, big cakeholed bloke who just happened to turn up for afternoon sessions was out there bellowing as well. Of course, each time that I went downstairs, something was waiting to come thundering down the hallway, I had just enough time to see to Molly and get a drink last evening before I had to get out of the way. I had to wait until I went back down there to give Tiddles her chicken soup before I could get anything to eat, and even then, I had to get out the way quickly. I had four babybely cheesy things for my dinner… maybe I will be allowed the time to have some noodles this evening, but I doubt it. When I went down there to get out the way with Molly last night, there was still a herd of swamp-things out there, and then that hot wired lunatic started screaming and bellowing again… this time, arguing with the moon most probably. I had to shove those waxy ear things in, and my head hit the pillows much later than usual. I had yet another awful night, and was awake this morning half an hour before I used to wake up at. It was just as well really, as at least poor Percy could stay in for a couple of hours. When I got down there to the kitchen and opened the garden doors, poor Percy and George came in, and I gave them their food. I gave George the plate of food that Percy had left yesterday, and I gave Percy two packets of food… George ate most of everything. I let her out with a big lump of ham, gave Percy his usual, then got up here before I caused any more trouble than I usually do by being down there, and getting in something's way. I left it as long as I could before going down there to make the coffee, then I had to put poor Percy out, but he did not want to go. He had to though, something needs its extra big gobbling’s, and then even more this afternoon. It is nineteen years ago today when we lost your tiny Katie little girl, she was only four, and she did not like me, though I cannot understand why, as JoJo and Whiskey were all over me. I took a small rosebush out there to Katie’s little resting place before I made the coffee. Of course, there was something stuck there waiting for me to get out of its way as soon as I took my poor Mum her coffee, I went down there to the kitchen, got Molly, then up here I got before we were both flattened. I have not heard any great cakeholes yet little girl, but it will not be long before the swamp-things, that evil old swamp-witch, and that crazed lunatic are starting. I love you Topsy, I love you so much little girl, and I miss you, I miss you so much you beautiful, brave little girl. XXXXX