30th August 2022

Good morning beautiful Topsy. I had to put poor Percy out again when I was allowed down there just before midday yesterday little girl, and I did not like doing it at all. Even though something had gone trundling off to work for more gobbling’s, I still had to get out of my sisters way, and just had enough time to come back up here to make the bed, then make my poor Mum her tea, then it was back up here out of the way until the late afternoon… with that screaming lunatic in-between. When I went down there in the late afternoon, I soon had to get back up here, as something went trundling off to the chip shop yet again for more gobbling’s. I was so hungry by the time I went back down there, I had to have a big bowl of noodles, and thankfully, there were no nasty surprises waiting for me when I got down there… if there had been, I would have had to go without again. Just as I finished the noodles, the beautiful, peaceful evening was shattered by the squawking’s of a lunatic. The terrible racket went away as quickly as it had started, then when I went back down there to get out of the way with Molly last night, it started up again. It was pitch-black out there, but that did not stop the dribbling little loon, running around screaming as if it had trapped its bits in a door. Even with all that, my dopey daft head still managed to hit the pillows much earlier than it has been, but of course, I was awake much earlier this morning. I had an awful night as well, but all I wanted to do was get down there to the kitchen to feed poor Percy and George. They were not there when I opened the garden doors, but it was just getting light… George soon arrived, then poor Percy came crying at the big old gates. I gave them their food, but like yesterday, poor Percy did not eat much, and neither did George, she was probably still full from the feed that she ate last evening when I was in the kitchen when she came wailing at the garden doors. George did not want to go out, but I had to put her out, as I did not want her starting on poor Percy when I came back up here… she would not go, even when I gave her a big lump of ham. I put Percy’s food by the scary old washing machine, then got back up here out the way, as even at that time of the morning, I can still be in the way. I went down there to see how Percy was doing, then when I went back to make the coffee, he had eaten some of his food. I had to get out the way as soon as I took my poor Mum her coffee, but I had one more look at poor Percy before I did get out of its way once more. I will have to do the same just before midday, and put poor Percy out as well… and that is something I do not want to do. Then there are more looniness from that deranged moron to put up with, that should all be kicking off shortly. I love you Topsy, I love you so much little girl, and I miss you, I miss you so much you beautiful brave little girl, XXXXX