William 11th September 2021

Good morning beautiful Topsy. Somehow, I was able to get down there to the doctors yesterday little girl, and it was a beautiful long walk through the park. There were lots of beautiful squirrels, and ducks, but also loads os dopey, fat-faced, odd humans pedalling around on children’s toys, whose ways I had to keep getting out of. When I got to the doctors, I need not have bothered, as all the nurse did was clean my finger, and redress it. She dressed my odd finger with the same stuff that I have here, only she did it terribly… it looked as my finger did that time I had an accident at work, and they sewed it back on, bulgy and all over the place, even dopey daft me can do a better job. She told me that she could not do anything, and I had to go back up the hospital, and I was not even given any more medication, but I was not going up there at that time. I shall have to go there the day after tomorrow, which will not please something very much indeed. I will be in their snorting, trumpeting way, no matter how early I leave here, but I do not care, as I am getting so fed up with having to get out of that spoilt coos way. At least I had a nice long walk through the park to get back here, and when I did, there was something waiting for me to get out of the way. I was not going to rush though, and came up here for Molly, then cleaned and redressed my finger, and that dressing had been put on terribly. The noise from over the back there was terrible yesterday afternoon, evening, and night, with loads of dogs barking, babies wailing, and that screaming little coo, who was still out there screaming away almost two hours before midnight. That is when I put those waxy earplugs in, but I could still hear Molly’s wailings. I do not think that I had a good night, as I could not believe the time when I woke up this morning. I fed Percy and George, gave George ham when I let her out, gave Percy his saucer of food, then got back up here before I was flattened. Of course, I had to get out the way when I went back down to make the coffee, I had just enough time to give poor Percy another packet of food, give my poor Mum her coffee, see Percy again, then get up here with biscuits. Thankfully, I did not choke on any biscuits, but it looks as if Molly has got the hump with me again… oh wellings. I love you Topsy, I love you so much little girl, and I miss you, I miss you so much you beautiful brave little girl. XXXXX