William 5th December 2018

Our brave little friend. I was late getting down to the kitchen to feed the cats today little girl, and when I opened the garden doors, the Burmese cat, Percy, and George came barging in, and the Burmese cat was wowing loudly. I went out there into the garden, but there was no sign of Jenny anywhere, so I went back into the kitchen, just in time to catch the Burmese cat having a good old scratch. Molly had left some food yesterday, so I scraped that onto the big plate, added four packets of food, a load of biscuits, and put it down for them. As they were eating, I looked out there into the garden for Jenny, but she did not come along... I do hope that they are both okay. The food did not take long to be eaten, and the big plate was being licked clean in no time. The Burmese cat did not want to go out, but I had to put her out, she almost tripped my poor Mum up the other day, When I had let them out, I washed up, and got back up here out of the way. Molly forgave me earlier than I expected, she did so late this afternoon, and she forgave my poor Mum this evening... i cannot remember when she came out of her catcave, but I think that it was the middle of this afternoon. Some idiots were letting off some fireworks earlier, and now some more are going off again, I think that I had better put some of the waxy earoley thingies in. I will probably be awake early again in the morning little girl, and I have a lot of things to do around midday tomorrow, so I will look out for the cats when I get down to the kitchen... I do hope that Jenny will be out there. We do love you Toppy, we love you so much little girl, and we do miss you, we miss you so much you beautiful brave little girl. XXXXX