William 6th December 2018

Good morning Toppy. I had another awful night little girl... I could not get off to sleep, I was tossing and turning for so long, I was going to get up, but then I fell asleep. I woke up twice, and the second time was very early, I could not get back to sleep, so I got up. It was far to early to open the garden doors when I got down to the kitchen, so I just came back up here and collapsed in this chair. Molly was over there on the other side of the bed just looking at me, and would not come over to me, and about an hour later, I went down to look for the Burmese cat and Jenny. I had not even opened the garden doors properly, went George tried to come barging in... I stopped her, I was not going to leave her in the kitchen, she would have eaten everything, including the nice warm oven. As I closed the garden doors, Percy came running up, and I unlocked the big old gates to go looking for the Burmese cat and Jenny in the side and front gardens. They were not there, so I came back round, and let Percy and George into the kitchen. There was some food that Molly had left, so that went onto the big plate, along with four packets of something in gravy with a load of biscuits. They took much longer to eat this morning, usually I turn my back, and George had sucked everything up... but it seemed to be ages before I heard rough tongues licking the big plate clean. Percy went galloping off when I opened the garden doors, but George did not want to go, so I had to tell her to come on. The Burmese cat and Jenny did not come running in like I wanted them to, but I will look out for them later. I will not be able to look out for them just before midday, as I have a lot of things to do, but I will look out for them this afternoon... they might come in when the ogress goes trundling off out. We do love you Toppy, we love you so much little girl, and we do miss you, we miss you so much you beautiful brave little girl. XXXXX