William 5th December 2018

Good morning Toppy. I had another horrible night little girl, and I was awake very early yet again... but I was so tired that I somehow managed to go back to sleep. Molly woke me meowing in my ear, she was stood on the pillows, and when she had woke me, she jumped down... I was not allowed a cuddle, so I staggered off downstairs. It was far to dark to look out there into the garden, so I got back up here, and molly did not make her usual fuss, she kept away from me... as I knew she would, seeing as I gave her that flea treatment last evening. She did come over to ma and meowed, and dopey daft me assumed that she wanted a cuddle, but she just pushed me away in disgust, and jumped down. Dopey daft me then worked out why she was meowing, and of course she wanted some of her Felix goody bag biscuits. I shook some onto her Sheba poultry in jelly, she ate them, and then got into her catcave... I will not be seeing her again until this evening, maybe she will come out for some biscuits, but she will not want to know dopey daft me. It has been very quiet this morning, just the beautiful little birds with their beautiful little songs... the only other noise that I can hear are the nasty old scary cars and lorries whizzing past on the scary old road over the back there, and I do not usually hear that so clearly. The ogress is going out today, so I will not be able to get down to the kitchen to feed the cats so early today. I hope that they are al waiting out there when I eventually get down to the kitchen, including Salem and Jack... Salem had just stared to come in on his own, and then he disappeared. We do love you Toppy, we love you so much little girl, and we do miss you, we miss you so much you beautiful brave little girl. XXXXX