William 16th August 2020

Good morning beautiful Topsy. The beautiful peace and quiet from over there at the stinking rotten odd swamping swamp ended yesterday little girl with the big cakeholed mini swamp-witching thing opening its squawking snorthole around midday. I was hoping that that was that, but I had a feeling that something would happen, and it did, big time. A herd of other swamp things turned up in one of their rotten odd homemade truck things, with settees in the back, and the evil old swamp-witch tied to a chair on top. It was not long before they were having that family orgy that I was telling you about, afterwards their rotten odd stinking music started as they swilled down their rotten off homebrewy stuff. Of course, they were soon very drunk, and that is when some wide-legged, drunken old trollop decided to start singing along to their terrible music… I thought that the music was terrible, but with her wailing, it was one of the worse things that I have ever heard. Then that wide-nosed lunatic with the stupid laugh started, and then it just got worse as the whole herd of them started singing along to the worst music that I have ever heard. That mini swamp-witching thing decided to come out with its great big squawking cakehole a couple of hours before midnight, and that is when I had to put those waxy earoley things in my ears… and I could still hear the lunatics with them in, I have no idea when I eventually fell asleep. When I woke up this morning, I had overslept by twenty minutes, and I did not want to get up, but Percy and George were waiting to be fed, so I got up, was greeted by Molly as I got dressed, and off I staggered to the kitchen. When I opened the garden doors, poor Percy came galloping in, and I waited for George to come skidding around the corner… I could not stay angry at her for biting me, but I was going to be more careful. I opened two packets each for them onto plates, added a load of biscuits, and as I put poor Percy's onto the floor for him, George tried to get at it as usual. I had to pick her up to take her to her plate of food, but I was careful that she could not bite my fingers or hands again. I managed to get her to her plate of food, and then I went to wash my hands in the downstairs bathroom… when I got back, she was almost finished, and then she just sat there as if I was supposed to know what she wanted. She wanted some turkey ham, but dopey daft me forgot to buy some the other day, I had to buy some much, I do not think there would have been room for it anyway. There is still some in the fridge, but not much, it is why I am keeping it back, and I will give it to them the day after tomorrow. Just as poor Percy was finishing, George went to his plate, but there was only a few bits left… Percy wanted something else, but I could not give anything to him with George there, so I opened the garden doors. Percy left, then George, then I washed everything up, and got back up here out of the way. The ogress was waiting for me to get out of her way when I took my poor Mum's coffee into one of the rooms for her, but I managed to get some biscuits, then got up here out of the way. It has just got a lot hotter in here, which means two great big breakfasts will be sizzling away down there in the kitchen, with my poor Mum's very small one. This afternoon it will get even hotter when a load of vegetables will be boiling away down there, and I would hate to think what those two will be getting down themselves this evening… I will be lucky if I have enough time to get two cheese rolls before I have to get out of the blasted way again. We do love you Topsy, we love you so much little girl, and we do miss you, we miss you so much you beautiful brave little friend. XXXXX