William 15th August 2020

Good morning beautiful Topsy. We had another beautifully peaceful day again yesterday little girl, it was also a lot cooler than it has been, though it was still warm, and I still had to have the new not so scary old fan on, it did not stay on for long. It stayed very dark all day, and I was so hoping that there would be a thundering old thunderstorm, but of course, there was no thunder, and not a drop of rain fell… maybe we will get some in the next couple of days. While I was sitting here last night watching the telly, I heard a certain evil old trolloping cackle coming from over there at the smelly old swamp… thankfully, it was only that drunken old tart of a swamp-witch cackling away at something or other. I thought that it was one of their family orgy thingies starting up, but it sounded like it was just her, most probably cackling away at the moon or something. Once I had those waxy earoley thingies in my ears, I could not hear anything. I woke a few times during the night, but I had a good sleep, and overslept by forty minutes this morning. When I woke up, I thought that it was much earlier, as it was very dark, dopey daft me thought that it was just getting light. When I had got down there to the kitchen and had let Percy and George in, I gave them both a good feed, and then got some ham out for George. She would have gladly ate the lot if I had given it to her, but I forgot to buy any more when I was in town, so it had to last. George was not too happy with that, and when I tried to pick her up and carry her over to the garden doors, she bit me. I could not help but swear at her, and she flew off out of the kitchen, and over the big old gates… poor Percy followed her out, and I washed up, and got back up here before I got in anyone's way. Of course, the ogress was waiting for me to get out of her way when I went back downstairs to make some coffee, but I had just enough time to grab some biscuits. That evil old trolloping swamp-witches dogs have just started with their annoying yappings… and that has started off that big old cigar-chomping dog over the back there. It has started to get even darker than what it already was, and as usual, we are supposed to be having rain in the next hour. How can those lying odd weathering people get away with telling so many lies, and being paid a lot of money to do so… anywhere else, odd humans would be sacked for lying so much. Maybe tomorrow I will be telling Charlie and you about the torrential rain that we have been having, the last time that happened was almost fourteen years ago, so a lot of rain is due to be falling very soon. We do love you Topsy, we love you so much little girl, and we do miss you, we miss you so much too you beautiful brave little girl. XXXXX