William 30th May 2020

Good morning beautiful Topsy. Those three-armed, flat-headed, buck-toothed, lantern-jawed, green-eared, toothless swamp things started with their hyuk-yuck-yucking, snorting, squawking, screeching, screaming nuttiness just after midday yesterday, and they did not stop until well after midnight. I thought that they had stopped three hours before midnight, but the mini swamp-witching thing came waddling back out half an hour later, and started screaming and shouting as loudly as it possibly could. I had to nail those waxy earoley things into my ears, the noise was so irritating, and definitely being done on purpose. Even with the waxy earoley things in, I could still hear its big rubbery cakehole, then the rest of them came back out, and started with their big fat irritating cakehole's… I cannot understand why no one else has complained about the moronic things. They were still at it after midnight, I woke up a couple of times during the night, and I still do not know if I had a good night. When I woke up this morning, it was dark, and I thought that it was early, but it was not, I had overslept by almost twenty minutes. I did not want to get up, but I had to feed Percy and George, and I did not want to fall back to sleep. When I got downstairs, I opened the garden doors, and George was the first to come galloping in… then Percy came running down the garden. I gave them both a good feed, and when they had finished, I let them out, washed up, and got back up here. Of course, when I went back down to the kitchen to make some coffee, I had to get out of the ogresses way, and all I have heard out there since I sat down to read the news after feeding Percy and George, it hammering and scraping. I have a feeling that those moronic swamp things are going to have another swamp party today, and another one tomorrow… soon they will be having swamp parties five nights a week, just as the inbred lunatics did last year. I have to go into town the day after tomorrow little girl, I have to go to the chemist for my poor Mum, then I have to go to the big shoppy place, and I shall probably have to go to the odd freezery place as well. I forgot to buy some cream the other day, and of course, all of the eight tins of cream that I bought last week have been guzzled down… all I like on a morning is a nice mug of coffee with sugar and cream, and I have even had that taken away from me because the cream is slapped down as soon as I buy it. If I am not on here in the morning little girl, I have been arrested for slaughtering a herd of smelly, inbred, three-armed swamp things. We do love you Topsy, we love you so much little girl, and we do miss you, we miss you so much you beautiful brave little girl. XXXXX