William 14th March 2019

Good morning Toppy. That old connecting thingy went wrong again yesterday, and it went wrong again just as I came on here this morning... but came back on again just as I was checking it. I was awake very early this morning little girl, it was pouring down, and was very windy, and when I opened the garden doors, the poor Burmese cat was waiting at Jack's little waiting place. I had a load of cardboard, bottles, and tins to take out to the bins, so I let the Burmese cat go into the kitchen while I put the cardboard into the bins. Percy and George came galloping along, but I did not want to put George into the kitchen with the Burmese cat in case she started fighting. I opened the big old gates to go looking for Jenny, and Percy followed me around to the front gardens. I thought that Jenny would have been sheltering by the big old scary door, but I did not see her anywhere. When I got back, Percy cam in with me, but I had to make George wait until they had eaten, as she sucks up as much food as she possibly can. As I was putting some food on the big plate, I heard Jenny crying at the garden doors, I opened the doors just enough so that she could squeeze in, and then opened six packets of food. I shook a load of biscuits on top, put the food down for them, and as I sat down on Charlie's chair by the scary old washing machine so that I could read the news, George started howling and wailing. Oh dear God it was terrible, she sounded like a pack of wolves wailing at the moon, and I had to shake the garden doors to make her stop. When the cats had finished, I put them out, and called for George, but she was not there. I took out the bottles, and when I put them into the bins, she appeared out of nowhere. She came bounding into the kitchen, and I gave her a saucer full of two packets of Sheba duck in Jelly with a load of biscuits on top. She seemed to take ages to eat it, but when she finally had, I put her back out, washed up, and got back up here to Molly. That connecting thingy will probably go wrong again today little girl, it was off for most of yesterday, and it will probably be off again soon... that is why I am on here early today. We do love you Toppy, we love you so much little girl, and we do miss you, we miss you so much you beautiful brave little girl. XXXXX