William 13th March 2019

Good morning Top Top. I am sorry that I am early little girl, but the nasty old scary wind is blowing around very bad again, so I have come on here to Charlie and you before it knocks the connecting thingy out again. I got absolutely soaked yesterday when I went out, and I got another good soaking before I got back in as well... and when I opened the big old gates, the poor Burmese cat was sheltering by the big scary old door. She came in with me when I went into the house, and poor Percy came running up just as I was shutting the big scary old door. When I got into the kitchen, Jenny was crying by the garden doors, so I let her in, opened four packets of food on top of some food that Molly had left, added some biscuits, and put the food down for them. The Burmese cat and Percy did not want to go back out when they had finished, but Jenny did... they could not have stayed in because they are always getting into things instead of settling down by the nice warm oven. I did not want to put them out, but then again, they should not have been out in all that horrible bad weather, that evil old trolloping swamp-witch should have them inside on days like that. I do not know if it is raining right now, but the nasty old scary wind is blowing around as bad as it was yesterday. When the ogress goes trundling off out, I am going back down there to feed the poor cats again, they need as much food as they can get on days like this. I will try to come on here again this evening little girl, but if the nasty old scary wind stops the connecting thingy again, I shall be back in the morning... I hope. We do love you Toppy, we love you so much little girl, and we do miss you, we miss you so much you beautiful brave little girl. XXXXX