William 29th June 2023

Good morning beautiful Topsy. I am sorry for not coming on here little girl, but I am so tired when I get home, I keep forgetting. I am awake at four and a half hours past midnight, I lay there for a while, feed George and sometimes Thomas, and when I have had my coffee and a few biscuits, I got to see my poor Mum. I walk for about two hours, and most of the time when I get there, I have to walk around for up to two hours, then there are the stairs. By the time I get back here, sometimes I have walked almost sixteen miles. I had not even been on here to Charlie since last Sunday, I came on here to little you the day after, but forgot completely until this morning. Since Sunday, I have walked fifty-four miles, which on a normal, cool day, would be no problem at all, but because of this rotten stinking heat, I feel awful. I am hardly getting any sleep, even with all that walking, any other odd human would be sleeping like a log, but not dopey me… I even took two different things to make me sleep last night. I kept waking up during the night for a drink, then I was awake this morning at the usual time, four hours after midnight, though I managed to get back to sleep for another hour and a half… but that was still an hour before I used to get up at. Thomas was out there when I opened the garden doors, and it was pouring down, so I opened a big box of ham for her, left it on a saucer, and she ate some. After I had a wash, shave, and has brushed my teeth, I opened the garden doors to look for George. She came running in as soon as the door was opened, she was wet, and crying loudly. I got her food ready as quickly as I could, but she was still crying as if she had not been fed for days. George cried again when she had finished, so I gave her another pack, and when she finished that, she sat by the scary kitchen door. She went into the hallway when I opened the scary old door, and wanted to go out through the big scary old door… I do not know why she has started doing that all of a sudden. I waited snd waited for the rubbish blokes to come, and by two and a half hours to midday, they still had not come, I had to go into town… they have been coming before five hours to midday lately. It had just stopped raining when I left, and was nice and cool on the way into town, I got almost everything I needed, but I had to leave the catfood and loo rolls, as I could not have carried them. It was bad enough with the stuff that I already had, my backpack was stuffed full of tins and three bottles of Vimto. When I got back here, a fox had eaten the ham that I left out for Thomas, I had to stop putting ham out there on an evening because they gobbled it down, they are getting as bad as those blasted pigeons for stealing food. If that was not bad enough, that deranged thing started on my little sister just after I got up here, all she has asked it was if it was going to move the settee up against the wall. It opened is great big putrid mouth, and when I went down there, it went spinning off into the downstairs bathroom like Taz. It has been determined to get its own spoilt way, and not have a bed there for our poor Mum little girl, and because of her, our poor Mum has to go into another home. It is like living with a very large, spoilt, greedy, selfish schoolchild, and my little sister and me have had to put up with it all of our lives. It is worse here now than it was when that evil old ogre was here, at least he used to control the blasted thing. It has gone storming off out now, and when our poor Mum does come home, she has to put up with that thing. I did have a lot to tell you little girl, but that bucktoothed, trouble-making thing has made me forget everything else that I wanted to tell you. I love you so much Topsy, I do love you little girl, and I do miss you, I miss you so much you beautiful, brave, clever little girl. XxX