William 26th June 2023

Beautiful TopTops. Sorry again little girl, but the past few days have been absolutely awful, the heat has been unbearable, and staggering home in it has made me feel awful. I walked almost eighty miles last week, over fifteen of those were yesterday, and I was so tired when I got home. Those swamp things have been out there wallowing in the stinking sun from three hours before midday, and not going in until a couple of hours until midnight… I cannot understand how they do not have heatstroke. That babbling, gibbering, psychopathic lunatic has been running around with its great fat tongue dangling out behind it, screaming and squawking for as much as it can. The whole family must be some kind dangerous experiment gone wrong, and they have been dumped next door to us to breed with each other, no other family could be like that little girl. I fed George, and when she went out, I got a bath, then came up here to write to Charlie… I was too tired to come on to see little you. I had a bowl of corn flakes for my dinner, then when I went down there one last time last night, I got out the way as quickly as I could. Something came crashing through the big scary old door a few minutes later, and had I been in the way, I certainly would have been flattened. I thought that I would get a good sleep, seeing as I had walked so far, but no, I was awake over two hours before I used to get up, and there was no way that I could get back to sleep, so I got up and went downstairs. George heard me filling the kettle, and started crying, so I let her in, fed her, then got up here with coffee and biscuits. I left here early, I had to do so yesterday, as I was in somethings way, so I left at the same time today. That rotten odd sun was in my eyes as I walked to the park, and most of the way to the hospital, and when I got there, I could not get in the ward, so I had to go walking around again. By the time that I could sit down, I was absolutely shattered… ten minutes later, I had to move again. Something came trundling along early today, so it could be told to make space for a bed for our poor Mum in one of the rooms where that big settee and chairs are that I bought. It was determined that it was not going to move anything, as it did not want our poor Mum to go there, it wanted her somewhere else. It has hardly done anything, all the rubbish there is its, and it has ordered my little sister to help it clear everything up… it did not ask, it ordered, just like that evil old ogre. I had to leave my poor Mum early today, as I could not sit there with it looking glaring at me like jubba the hut, and it took me ages to walk home, as I have another blasted blister. George ran to meet me as I came through the big old gates, and after I had fed her, she went out, and I came up here to write to you. Sorry this is short little girl, but I have to make the bed before I am too tired to do that. I love you TopTops, I do love you little girl, and I do miss you, I miss you so much you beautiful, brave, clever little girl. XxX