William 29th April 2023

11:02 Good morning beautiful Topsy. I am so sorry again little girl, over the last few days, I have felt so awful, I just forgot to come on here to little you. I had to go into town again the day before yesterday, but had to wait until something had left to go and visit our poor Mum. It did not go trundling off until about half an hour before midday, I leave here four hours beforehand, so I do not know what on earth it could have been doing. With it being so late, I had an awful time in town, even before I got go the shops. When I went to go in the shop, I was barged out the way by ignorant humans coming out, and when I tried to leave, I was barged out the way by ignorant humans coming in… I cannot win. I should have used the side door, but I did that at the beginning of the week when I had six heavy, awkward bags to stagger back here with, and as I walked along a narrow path, some great big lump came waddling along, and I had to get out of his stinking muttering way as well. Dopey me had a bowl of corn flakes last night, which I choked on, then they went right through me. The evening before, I had a couple of cheese and pickle sandwiches, which I adored, it was the first sandwiches that I had for years, the last time I had them, that evil old ogre stole my bread, butter, cheese, and tomatoes… he probably nicked the salad cream as well, but I cannot remember. Of course, I choked on the first couple of bites of that sandwich as well, but I did manage to finish them. I will be having a couple of cheese sandwiches this evening, but I shall have to try an remember to get down there early, as my sister has decided that she wants something to eat at the same time as I do, so I have to get out of the way. She has got all afternoon to get herself something, but waits until I go down there, and then makes a mushroom and onion sandwich, which I invented years ago, as I was moaned at for eating, so I made that because the evil old ogre did not like onion. Dopey me will forget to go down there early though little girl, and I shall have to rush. I have been able to feed George and Thomas in the afternoon, though that screaming lunatic has been out there just before or after I go down there. Just before I went down there one last time last night, the gibbering was out there bouncing away on a stinking trampoline that has been shoved right up against the big old fence. While the gibbering psychopath bounced away, it was blathering in some unknown language. Thankfully, it stopped before I went down there to the kitchen, but I still had problems, as something was waiting for me to get out of the way. I had an awful night the night before little girl, but last night was much better, and I did not wake up this morning until fifty minutes after I got up on that terrible Tuesday morning, one-hundred and thirty-seven days days ago. I fed George and Thomas, though Thomas would not let George come in, snd scratched her face, but I got George in after a while. I gave them both two packets of food each, and when I had let George out, I got back up here with a mug of coffee and some biscuits. I was just in time to hear some idiot at that shouty slammy house break the beautiful morning peace by doing something that sounded like drilling… and it was still very early. More awful sounds awaited me though, as I have not long heard that psychotic half-thing out there already with its great big screeching mouth going. I said to Charlie that I think that we are in for another one of those weekends, I shall soon know, as within the next hour, the boozing and big mouthing will start… I do hope that I am wrong though little girl. I love you so much Topsy, I do love you little girl, and I do miss you, I miss you so much too you beautiful, brave little girl. XxX