William 17th March 2023

Good morning beautiful Topsy. I enjoyed a good long walk yesterday little girl, it got me out of the way of that argumentative, door-slamming, bellowing odd thing, and I am going to do the same thing today… I have to go to see a doctor first though. I had to get a great pile of shopping in town yesterday, but I could not get one thing that my poor Mum wanted, so I tried when I went for that nice long walk, but I had to get more shopping as well. Of course, that meant that something else had to go and get a great pile too. I got very hot on the way back here, but I was carrying two great bags, and I was not looking forward to opening the big scary old door at all. When I got here, it was not as bad as I expected, but it was still far from being perfect. As soon as I went in the kitchen, George started crying… I do not know how she knows that I am there. I fed George, but there was no sign of Thomas anywhere, and I could not hang around waiting for her, as something was waiting for me to get out of the way. I fed Thomas this morning though, she only had one packet of food, a d when she went out, a black and white cat was waiting for her. My little sister got up early this morning little girl, and as soon as she got downstairs, that blasted thing started on her. Before I left to go to the doctor, I made sure that my poor Mum was all right, and I left… as I got to the big old gates, it started raining. I was not at the doctor for very long, and my blood pressure was okayish, then I walked into town in more rain. I finally got the thing that my poor Mum wanted, but I went looking for something that I needed for myself in the usual shop… of course, they did not have what I wanted. When I got back here, a nurse had come to see my poor Mum, and at last, someone from the outside finally found out what that argumentative thing is really like… I really could not believe it little girl. Her odd twisted face was really put out of joint, and it looked like it had been given a good slapping. It had lied to the nurse the way that it lies to us, and has been doing all these years, and the nurse caught it out. I stayed in the kitchen, and after a while, I left to go for my nice long walk. As I got out of the big old gates, it started raining again, and it did not stop until I had walked all the way to where I was going. All I bought was some peanuts, and something similar to the thing I wanted to buy in town. I took my time walking back here, and when I got back, something had gone trundling off out. I opened the garden doors for George, called her, and she came running inside. I bought my poor Mum so,e scotch eggs the other week, but they had been forgotten about, so I put them out there before I went to the doctors… all four had been eaten. George had two packets of food, then wanted to go out. I got out of the way before something came crashing through the big scary old door, but I had to go back down there for something… that is when I got caught. Sorry that I am late today little girl, but I have to get out of this house and away from that blasted thing, as each day passes, gets worse. I love you,Topsy, I do love you little girl, and I do miss you, I miss you so much you beautiful, brave little girl. XxX