William 25th February 2023

Good morning beautiful Topsy. I am sorry about yesterday little girl, but each time I took my pad out to write, I was barged out of the way. Around midday, they told my poor Mum that she could come home, and that it would not be long before she could go. Well over three hours later, when I would have been almost home, we were still waiting, and I started getting angry. In the end, I had to leave, as I knew that my poor Mum would not be able to come home. I got home about an hour before I usually go down there for my noodles, fed George and Thomas, then got up here out of the way. When I went down there to get my noodles, George started wailing at the garden doors, and I had already given her three packets of food. I was hoping that she would stop, but she just went on and on until I could not take it any more, and took a packet of ham out there for her. In five days she had eaten thirty packets of food, and got through four or five packets of ham. I cannot remember much about last night, just getting into bed, then I was awake twenty-five minutes before the time that I woke up on that horrible Tuesday seventy-four days ago. I got up, fed George and Thomas, made myself a drink, then got out of the way. Not long after I got to the hospital, after being almost flattened by a huge nurse, my poor Mum was allowed to come home, but after we had got home, and I went into town to get my poor Mum a few things, something tried to start an argument. When I came back, I just put the shopping away, and went back out… I walked all the way to that other hospital my poor Mum was in before we lost poor Molly. I had to come back here though, as even for me, it was too cold to stay out, and I was dreading it… the feeling in this house is awful little girl, and on the day that our poor Mum comes home. George started crying, and seeing as it was around the time that I have been getting home, I went down there to feed her. Of course, as soon as I got to the bottom of the stairs, something came tap-tap-tapping on the big scary old door. I have no idea why it did not come crashing through the big scary old door, but I had to wait until I could feed George… and there was no sign of Thomas. I am sorry little girl, I cannot go,on any more, I want to get these boots off, and get changed. I do not even know if I will be allowed to go down there to get my noodles and hot drink at the time I usually do, now my poor Mum is back, something might change the rules… something that the evil old ogre was always doing. Everything should be back to normal by tomorrow or the next day little girl. I love you Topsy, I do love you little girl, and I do miss you, I miss you so much you beautiful, brave little girl. XxX