William 7th February 2023

Good morning beautiful Topsy. I thought that yesterday was difficult to get on here little girl, but today is going to be even worse… I am leaving it until I get home to send stuff to Molly, Charlie, and you. I left my poor Mum at three hours past midday yesterday, and it took me an hour just to hobble into town… I have usually been home by ten minutes by then. I had to go in the shop to buy some loo rolls, as something cannot be bothered to do that, and will just grab mine when they are needed. I was hoping it would not be as busy as it was when I went in there the other day, but of course it was, though I did manage to get another eight large noodles, and four tins of potato and leek soup. When I eventually got home, I opened the garden doors to feed George, but that little black cat would not let her come in for food, so he did not get anything either. I tried again after I had gotten out of the way, after going down to get my noodles, and somehow managing to get in the way again. George ran in when I opened the garden doors, and I gave her three packs of food while I got my noodles ready. I took that little black cat out a saucer of food, but when George had finished, she settled down on Charlies chair by the scary old washing machine. I could not let her stay in though, not after what she did before, and I had trouble getting her to go out, at one point, she was growling at me, just as your little Katie did that time before she sank her teeth into my thumb. I had to put her out, then got upstairs with my noodles and hot drink, though I will not be having anything this evening. Two nights on the trot, my little sister has told me how hungry she is, but I am hungry and thirsty as well, especially after walking all that way. She cannot get herself anything to eat, as something else will be expecting something as well, even though it will have already had a great feed. I can just about remember getting into bed last night little girl, and I had another good night. I woke up fifteen minutes before I did eight long horrible weeks ago when poor Molly crossed the Rainbow Bridge, and when I got down there to the kitchen, I let George in for some food. I gave her three packets of food, and I gave Thomas one, but when I had made my mug of tea, I had to put George out, and Thomas chased her around the gardens until she jumped up by the big old gates. I told him off, not that it will make much difference, but if he keeps it up, I shall have to stop feeding him, poor George. It took me an extra half an hour to hobble to the hospital this morning little girl, and no matter where I went, I was in some ignorant odd humans way… I am getting so fed up with it, no matter where I go, I am expected to get out of their stinking ways. I was glad to get in the room to see my poor Mum, and then sit down in a nice comfortable chair, but of course, I soon had to move, and then the chair was taken away. It felt like when I was a kid, and that evil old ogre would not allow me to sit on the furniture. I feel awful right now little girl, I feel as if I am going to fall asleep, and I am very hungry. How can I walk over seven miles, and not have anything to eat this evening, only in that house could this happen. I am sorry that this is short little girl, but I have to collapse somewhere. I love you Topsy, I love you so much little girl, and I miss you, I miss you so much too you beautiful, brave little girl. XxX