William 10th January 2023

Good morning beautiful Topsy. It was the same yesterday as it has been for the past four rotten weeks little girl, with me shouting out for Molly, and feeling terribly upset. I have asked if I was like that with Charlie when she was taken, and I have been told that I was not, but seeing as I still have the notes that I typed out, I had a look. I was calling out Charlie’s name, and I even woke myself up shouting out her name during the night… exactly as I am doing now with Molly. I have all the notes that I typed out, and seeing as there was nothing on the telly, I read through them. I was still terribly upset four months after Charlie crossed the Rainbow Bridge, and Molly started visiting me a few weeks later, though she never stayed. She did not stay with me until one year and one month after Charlie had her horrible pain taken away… there is that horrible number again. I also read about what the evil old ogre was doing to us, mainly me, and it was awful. He had what he called ‘the sniffles,’ and he took two weeks off work because of it, and infected my poor Mum, my sister, and me. He would come up the stairs not long before I was going to go down there, and he would cough and splutter for all he could, I was terribly ill, and so was my poor Mum… she was so bad that the doctor had to come round. I could not go down there to the kitchen to feed the cats, as the spoilt old whatever would go down there at exactly the same time. He was also trying to get an argument going, but he never got one, not from me, he did from my poor Mum and sister though. I had been eating a proper dinner in the late afternoon, cod in butter sauce, mashed potato, and peas four times a week… the rest of the days I could only eat three buttered rolls because he was here, and I had to wait until four hours before midnight for them. I could not even get down there to the kitchen when I got up, as he would be going down the stairs when I opened the door. He would be either doing that, or had already got down there, and I was not allowed to go in the kitchen… it was so much better when he finally went back to work. No one knew what he was like, as they knew someone completely different to the one who we knew. Sometimes, just to be spiteful, he would wait until I had started on my dinner in the kitchen, and would then come crashing through the big scary old door. Someone must have told him the time that I came down there to the kitchen for my dinner, I cannot think of any other way that he managed to do it. He would come crashing through the scary old kitchen door, which I would be stood near, hoping to hit me with it, I would get a fierce scowl, I would have to throw my dinner away, and then get out of his way. At least I managed to get a bowl of noodles last night, and George finally came in, and settled down on the chair by the scary old washing machine. She was still there last night when I went down there for the last time, and when I got up here, I was soon in bed, as it was very cold, an I was very tired. I woke up this morning ten minutes before I did four weeks ago when poor Molly was taken, and when I got down there to the kitchen, there was no sign of George, but she soon came in when I opened the garden doors. I gave her two packs of food, but after she had eaten, she wanted to go back out. I lost count of how many times she went out and then came in again, but she had settled down when I had to get out of the way. For some reason, I am running late again, and it is less than an hour to midday, I doubt that George will still be in when I get down there, but there is one thing that I do know… I will be in somethings way as soon as I step through that door. I love you Topsy, I do love you little girl, and I do miss you, I miss you so much little girl. XxX