16th November 2022

Good morning beautiful Topsy. It was the usual old thing yesterday little girl, having to get out the way as soon as I got down there to the kitchen. Each time that I got down there, I looked out there for poor Percy, but there was no sign of him. In two days time, it will be four weeks since I last saw him, and I feel so guilty for putting him out when he did not want to go. In the late afternoon, George ran in when I opened the garden doors, so I gave her one of poor Percy’s golden tins of food. I somehow managed to get down there early, and had a bowl of noodles last evening, the first time I have been able to bring something up here to eat for four days. Of course, things had to go wrong, some catfood and Catsan just had to be delivered as I was getting my noodles ready, and then the noodles went right through me, and Molly was sick again. After I got out of the way with Molly last night, I got in bed, but had to keep getting up because I was choking on my tablets. I had an awful night, was awake early this morning, and as I crawled out of bed, Molly was waiting to get settled down. I could hear that it was pouring down, and when I got down there, George flew in when I opened the garden doors, there was still no sign of poor Percy. I gave George two packets of food, then another two, and when she had finished, she wanted to go out, but when she saw the rain, she decided to stay in… but not before going to the doors about five more times. George wanted to go out when I went back down there to make the coffee, but still kept changing her mind, and I was late getting out of somethings way. I have to take Tiddles to the vets for her check-up tomorrow little girl, and will not be able to go into town, so I have to go to the bank four towns away the day after. Of course, I will be expected to bring great lumps of pork, and loads of blasted pies back with me for something to grab and gobble down the most of. That means I will have to go without, as I will only be able to carry so much back with me… but what is new. I love you Topsy, snd I miss you too little girl. XxX