31st October 2022

Good morning beautiful Topsy. It rained all day yesterday little girl, I looked out there for poor Percy and George when I was allowed down there to the kitchen just before midday, but they were not out there. Of course, I had to get out the way quickly, as something was waiting to wash its plates. I just had enough time to look out there in the gardens, come up here to make the bed, then make my poor Mum her tea, and I had to get out the way. I felt so low in the afternoon, even Molly did not want to know me, and although my memory is terrible, I cannot forget having to put poor Percy out on that Friday, just before midday eleven days ago, as he did not want to go out. I was soon feeling even lower, as even though it was pouring down, idiots were still letting off nasty old scary fireworks… and then it got even worse. Just as I was going to go down there to the kitchen in the late afternoon, I heard the mad screaming’s of a certain lunatic. When I got down there to the kitchen, I heard the drunken jabbering’s of a pack of large, vicious old trollops, even the rain did not stop them. I did not want to stay down there any longer than I had to, which was just as well, as it was an hour away from feeding time. I had a quick look out there in the gardens for Percy, then got out the way. I was very hungry, and had managed to get a couple of those babybel cheese things, and they did me until I was allowed back down for the evening. I had to get out the way quickly then as well, and managed to get up here with a bit of cake… I think that George ate more than I did yesterday. I had to get out the way quickly with Molly last night as well, and when I had got up here, I got in bed as soon as I could. I do not know what kind of night I had, but I was awake about six times, and woke up this morning half an hour before I used to get up at. I had been hoping to oversleep by about half an hour, but that has about as much chance as me finding . When I got down there to the kitchen, George was crying loudly, and I hoped so much that poor Percy would come running in with George when I opened the garden doors, but he did not. I went out there, opened the big gates, and called Percy, but he did not come meowing along, he did not come running up the garden, and he did not buff himself around my legs. I do miss him little girl, I do so hope that he returns soon, I have all of his little tins of salmon with a melting heart, and his squirty salmon and liver sausage stuff. I gave George two packets of food, though she was so hungry, I gave her another one, then let her out with a great lump of ham. I put Percy’s plate and packets of food away, then got back up here before I caused any more bother than I usually do by being in the way. I went down there at the usual time that I do to see Percy, and looked out there again for him, but he was not there. Molly came down there with me when I went back down to make the coffee, and I had another look out there into the gardens. There was no Percy, or George out there, but I saw a little squirrel running around in the leaves, and opened the garden doors to scare it away, as I did not want anything catching it. I completely forgot that Molly was with me, and I just shut the doors in time as she came slithering around… she still wants to escape. I was back up here even quicker this morning, and have just heard George crying for more food, but she will have to wait until I go down there next. I love you Topsy, and I miss you too little girl. XxX