9th October 2022

Good morning beautiful Topsy. I managed to stay happy yesterday morning little girl, even when I had to get out the way at midday, as something was waiting to go out. At least poor Percy was still in, and he wanted some more of his food before he went out, then I had to get out the way. In the late afternoon, I had to get straight back up here because something was waiting to go round to the chip shop for more shovelling’s as soon as I got down the stairs. I had just enough time to get up here with some carrot cake in the evening, as it was waiting to come barging down the hallway, and when I went down there to get out the way with Molly last night, I had to be quick then as well. I got in bed late last night, my head hit the pillows even later, I had an awful night, and was awake this morning an hour earlier than I was yesterday. I was going to turn over and go back to sleep, then remembered the day. Gobbling Sunday means that poor Percy has to go out early, and if I fell asleep and got up as late as I did yesterday, he would only have an hour inside. I got down there and opened the garden doors as quickly as I could, but there was no sign of Percy or George. I opened the big gates and called him, then George arrived, so I went back inside to give her her food. She had nearly finished when I heard poor Percy crying, and when I had let him in, I gave him his food. George started eating that as well, and no matter what I did, she would not stop, and in the end, I had to let her out with a load of ham. I gave poor Percy his usual, then got back up here, before I caused any more trouble than I usually do by daring to go down there. I had to let Percy out when I went down there to make the coffee… he did not want to go though, but he had to. When I took my poor Mum her coffee, that thing was stuck there waiting for me to get out the way. As I tap this out, two packets of 16 slices of bacon are sizzling away, more will be bought in a few days for something to gobble down the most of. A huge tub of mushrooms, two packs of 12 blasted sausages, a box of 12 eggs, and who knows what else will also be cooked, and that brown sauce that I like has been found and almost used up. A tiny amount will be left in the bottle, and rather than be rinsed out and put in the bin, will be left in the fridge… a favourite trick of that evil old ogres. I am almost as low as I was two days ago little girl, I would like to get a good sleep again tonight, but I doubt that will happen… along with me being allowed to have a bowl of noodles this evening. I love you Topsy, and I miss you too little girl. XxX