26th September 2022

Good morning beautiful Topsy. The noise from those lunatics just got louder and louder yesterday little girl. Balloons were tied to the front of their cesspit, and it was some kind of party for something that was a year old, who knows how many different fathers it has. That deranged lunatic was screaming, shouting, screeching, and squawking as loudly as it could, and a load of drunken old trollops were trying to sing. Five or six tom cats howling would have sounded better. When I went down there at midday, it was awful, and something was waiting for me to get out of its way so that it could wash its plates. By the time that I went down there late yesterday afternoon, I had put a film on to watch, and I was only down there a few minutes before I had to get out the way. I was very hungry, and was going to have noodles in the evening, but I could not get down there at the usual time, so I had to go without, as something was waiting to come down the hallway. I had to make do with some coffee and walnut cake again, and when I got up here, that lunatic was out there barking and snarling. I think that it was quiet by the time that I went down there to get out the way with Molly last night, something was waiting to come down the hallway again, so I had to be quick. Last night was almost as bad as the day was, as I was waking up more than usual, and I did not want to get out of bed this morning, but Percy and George were waiting. It was pouring down when I opened the garden doors, and poor Percy ran insideā€¦ I called for George, who appeared out of nowhere, and came inside quickly. I gave them their food, George wanted to go out with ham, I gave poor Percy his usual, then got out the way. When I went back down there to make the coffee, Percy was asking for more food, but I had to take my poor Mum her coffee first, and something was already stuck there waiting for me to get out of its way. I went and gave poor Percy a packet of duck, made a fuss of him, then got out of the way once more. Althouh something will not be here at midday, I shall still be expected to get out the way, but I want to make the bed, so things are going to have to wait for a change. I love you Topsy, and I miss you too little girl. XxX