17th August 2022

Good morning beautiful Topsy. It was even hotter yesterday morning little girl, poor Molly and Tiddley do not know what to do with themselves. There was supposed to be a big thundering old thunderstorm, with big cracks of thunder, and huge flashes of lightning, but those lying odd weathering peoples got it wrong again. When I was allowed down there to the kitchen just before midday, poor Percy had been shoved out, and when I looked out there to see if I could see him, it had been raining. It must have been one of those newfangled thirty-second showers that the lying odd government has invented on behalf of those idiots at the health and safety place… as I did not hear the rain hitting the big old trees, and I did not smell a thing. The poor lawns are all yellow and dry, and if it had been raining for longer than a few minutes, that beautiful smell would have wafted up. My dopey daft brainy thing might not be working properly, but my big pineappley nose, as I have been told I have, works fine. I love the smell of rain hitting the lawns after it has been very dry, but yesterday the only smell that I smelt was food being cooked for something on the big old oven and grill… the heat was terrible. That great squawking, screaming, screeching lunatic was out there at the big old fence making as much noise as it could, I had the telly turned right up, and the not so new, not so scary old fan whizzing around behind me, and I could still hear the red-eyed, mentally deranged, crosseyed lunatic. As usual whenever I dare to go downstairs, something was waiting for me to get out of its way when I went down there yesterday. The great gobbling lump knows that it is really getting me down, but I did not let that evil old ogre know that he was getting to me down for all those years when I was a kid, so I am certainly not letting that spoilt cooing lump know that it is getting to me. After I had got out of its way late yesterday afternoon, and then in the evening, I had lemony sliced things for my dinner. It was too hot for noodles, and even if I had wanted them, there would not have been time to make them… something was twitching away on one of the settees, waiting to come thundering down the hallway like one of those very large, scary old lorries. It was still terribly hot after I had gone down there to get out of the way with Molly last night, and I had the fan on full right next to me as I laid on the bed. I was very tired when I laid down, and was soon asleep, but something soon woke me up. It took me ages to get back to sleep, then I was awake again, and again, and again until I woke up fifteen minutes before I used to get up at. It felt as if it should have been at least three hours earlier, but it was not, it was time for dopey daft me to crawl out of bed. Poor Percy came running in with George as soon as I opened the garden doors, and I gave them their food, then put some ham out there for George when she had finished. She did not want to go out though, but I had to let her out. If Charlie’s chair that is beside the scary old washing machine had not been moved, I could have sat there, and George could have stayed in, but like everything else I like to use, it had been moved. When I was a kid and needed to use the bathroom, soap, shampoo, and even loo roll was taken out of there before I could go in… I even had to ask permission to go in there. My poor Mum knew nothing about it, as that evil old ogre had her working mornings, noons, and nights. I gave poor Percy his usual, then got back up here before I got in anythings way, or collapsed, I was so tired, and was glad to get sat down here. By the time that I went back down there to make the coffee, poor Percy had only got half way through his food, so I did not have to give him any more. Something was stuck there waiting for me to get out of its way when I took my poor Mum’s coffee in to her, but I went back down to the kitchen to make a fuss of poor Percy, and take some photos. Molly escaped when I got up here, and I had to go traipsing all the way back down the stairs and hallway for her. When I got to her, there she was, grinning like a cheshire cat, though I was so utterly tired, I most probably imagined that. I have to go and get my dopey daft head sheared again tomorrow little girl, then I have to go staggering in to town for more gobbling’s, so I will not be able to come on here to Charlie and you little girl, but I will hopefully be back on here the day after. I love you Topsy, I love you so much little girl, and I miss you, I miss you so much you beautiful, brave little girl. XXXXX