30th July 2022

Good morning beautiful Topsy. I was surprised to see that poor Percy was still in when I was allowed down there to the kitchen just before midday yesterday, but of course, I was in the way. I let Percy out, came up here to make the bed, took my poor Mum’s coffee in to her, then up here I had to get. I felt awful in the afternoon, and almost fell asleep several times, and I only heard that screaming idiot once… it was out there in the lane most of the time, and I cannot hear the moron way back here. As I went down there to the kitchen in the late afternoon, my poor Mum told me that something had gone out, and was due to come crashing through the big scary old door at any moment. I had to come back up here to close the door, went back downstairs for a few minutes, then got back up here. Just as I sat down, there was a huge crashing sound, and through the big scary old door something came crashing… rather like a big bouldery thing smashing through a large solid oak door. That was a favourite trick that the evil old ogre would do to me, to try to catch me with food, and give me the most evil of looks when he did catch me. By the time that I went back down there, I was starving, and had to have a large bowl of noodles, and of course, I was in the way. I think that screaming lunatic came out once, and by the time that I went down there to the kitchen to get out of the way with Molly, it was nice and quiet out there, and I got into bed as soon as I could. I do not know if I had a good night or not, but when I woke up ten minutes before I used to get up, I groaned, as I was hoping that it was a couple of hours earlier. I got up though, staggered down there to the kitchen to hear George crying at the garden doors. She and poor Percy came running in as soon as I opened the doors, and I gave them the last three packets of the Whiskas food each. I shall have to order some more, but for now, they will have to make do with the stuff from the big shoppy place. George did not want to go out straight away, but when she did, I had already put some ham out there for her… I got poor Percy his usual ready, then got back up here, as I was in the way again. Dopey me went back down there late to make the coffee, so of course, I was already in the way, and had to get back up here quickly. Percy still had a lot of food on his plate, so I did not have to give him any after I had taken my poor Mum’s coffee in to her, where a snorting old walrus was waiting. I did go back to see him though, and when I got up here and opened the door, Molly flew off down the stairs… I do not think there was any wild trumpeting’s, but I got back up here out the way as quickly as I could. I love you Topsy, and I miss you, I miss you so much you beautiful, brave little girl. XxX