William 26th December 2018

Good morning Toppy. I had a rotten old headache yesterday, and then my back started again because it was so cold... I was so glad to get into bed last night. I could only eat a few sprouts, a bit of Yorkshire pudding, some peas, and one roast spud yesterday, I felt awful. I also feel so depressed, if I did not feel so bad, I would go out somewhere, but I cannot. I could not feed the cats yesterday, but I am going to feed them today, the ogress does not need to go out, and my little sister does not need to get into the kitchen for anything just before midday. Something will probably happen though, at the last minute, I will be barged out of the way for something or other. I will probably have another headache this afternoon little girl, either that, or my back will start when it gets cold. I had to have some freezing cold cream slapped on my back last evening, and it made me jump so much. I would still prefer the weather to be cold rather than hot, I hate the hot weather little girl. If I am not on here to Charlie and you this evening, I will be in pain again. We do love you Toppy, we love you so much little girl, and we do miss you, we miss you so much you beautiful brave little girl. XXXXX