William 4th June 2022

Good morning beautiful Topsy. Molly would not come anywhere near me yesterday morning, and just sat over there on the side of the bed, with her back to me… all I have done is give her that flea-treatment. Not long before midday, she came across the bed, plothered across me, settled down on the arm of the chair, and stayed there until I was allowed down there to the kitchen. When I opened the door, she flew of down the stairs as fast as she could. I still had that rotten old headache, which was made worse by something waiting for me to get out of the way as soon as I got down there, but at least poor Percy was curled up in his nest. I managed to get a cuddle before I had to let him out, then back up here I had to get after I had taken my poor Mum’s coffee in to her. There was plenty of barking, squawking, and other wild noises from the stinky old swamp, and from over the back there. The noises were horrible, but that did not stop me from almost falling asleep in this chair, even with that nasty old headache thumping’s away. When I was allowed down there to the kitchen late yesterday afternoon, I did not have to get out of the way as quickly as I usually have to, which was strange. A small bowl of noodles again I had to have last evening, and I did have to get out of the way quickly then… and I was still hungry after I had finished with the forking’s. I went back down there for some carrot cake, but felt so guilty after I had eaten them, and when I went down there to bring Molly back up here, she had finally forgiven me. I can just about remember getting in bed last night, and I woke up a couple of times, then woke up early again this morning. When I got down there to the kitchen, I fed Percy and George, and the plates were cleared this morning, though I do not know who ate the most. I let George out with ham, gave Percy his usual, and got up here out if the way before I was barged out of the way. When I went back down to make the coffee, out of the way I had to get again, but managed to get a cuddle from poor Percy before doing so… thundering’s from the hallway could be heard as far as the big old gates out the back. It came over all dark, so I thought that there was going to be a good old fashioned thundering old thunderstorm. Of course, there was not, it just passed by as usual, and there is probably a huge storm in town. I am hoping for a nice, quiet weekend, but just having a nice quiet morning would be nice, and it has been so far… and there we go, the squawking’s of a severely pickled lunatic, oh well. I love you Topsy, I love you so much little girl, and I miss you, I miss you so much too you beautiful brave little girl. XXXXX