William 21st May 2022

Good morning beautiful Topsy. For some unknown reason, the afternoon before yesterday was quieter than usual, and it still stayed quiet when I went down there in the late afternoon. When I went down there for something to eat, it was still quiet, then I heard some noises, and the racket started… it was awful. I had to open the big window when I wanted to get into bed, but the racket had quietened down, though I still had another awful night. I was awake very early again, fed Percy and George, and left here as early as I could to get into town… as I got to the big old gates, it started raining. I had wanted to buy myself some eggs, salad, and rolls, but I could not, as even though the freezer is stuffed full of gobbling’s, I had been told to bring more back, so I had to go without. I had been told to get two big tubs of butter that something likes slapping down, and two bags of mince, that something likes gobbling down. I did not want to spend more than £100, and it came to just a small bit over that. Staggering back here with my backpack full, and four heavy bags was awful, and it was absolutely pouring down… something was waiting for me to get out of the way as soon as I got through the big scary old door. While that something shovelled down a great big pile of fish fingers and chips that I had bought for my poor Mum, I had to make do with carrot cake last evening. Last evening, when I had to get out of the way with Molly, I was fit to drop, and got into bed hoping for a good sleep… which of course, I did not get. I got up this morning with a horrible headache, but fed Percy and George before I took anything for it. Molly hid until just over an hour ago, and not long after that, something shoved poor Percy out. I have an awful headache little girl, and cannot go on with this for much longer, hopefully, it will be gone by tomorrow morning. I love you so much Topsy, and I miss you so much too little girl. XxX