William 14th May 2022

Good morning beautiful Topsy. It was a bit better yesterday little girl, as some big bloke had a go at that deranged idiot with the big cakehole and football the day before yesterday, so there was no loud noise out there in the lane. However, seeing as that big cakeholed odd loon belonged to that evil old swamp-witch, it was kicking the football against the big old fence late yesterday afternoon, as a flock of drunken old trollops gurgled and cooed out there. I had to sit here with my bowl of noodles as the squawking, wailing, screeching, and screaming, but thankfully, it had stopped by the time that I went down there for Molly last night. Dopey me hoped that I would have another good night, and I got in bed, and did not see if Molly jumped on the tv table, or over the side. I did not have a very good night though, I kept waking up, and was awake early this morning , but managed to get back to sleep. I woke up again a few minutes earlier than I used to, and went down there to the kitchen to feed Percy and George. George was already crying at the garden doors, came galloping in first when I opened them, and I gave them both a good feed. After I let George out, I got Percy his usual, threw some ham out to George, and got back up here before I got in the way again. Something was waiting for me to get out of the way when I went back down there to make the coffee, and got back up here as quickly as I could… though I had to get two big lumps of pork out of the freezer, which something will gobble down the most of tomorrow, without a thought of anyone else, even though I bought the meat for my poor Mum and sister. I love you Topsy, I love you so much little girl, and I miss you, I miss you so much you beautiful brave little girl. XXXXX