William 24th April 2022

Good morning beautiful Topsy. I had a great big woolly surprise yesterday little girl, as there was no squawking, screaming, screeching, wailing, or whining, from that severely deranged mini swamp-witching thing. There was no drunken cackling from any of the large-thighed, sunken-faced old trollops either, which was very strange, but very welcoming. The only annoying thing that happened was when a nasty old wasp tried to get in at the big window. I had to close it, but dopey daft me forgot to open it again, and only realised this morning. I boiled three eggs when I went down there to the kitchen just before midday yesterday, and managed not to get in anythings way, as it had gone trundling off out… I still could not eat them all last evening though, so it will be just two this evening. I got into bed much later than usual last night, but still woke up at the same time this morning. My eyes feel like they have fallen out, been rolling around in sand, and have been put back upside down. If I do not get any decent sleep soon, I do not know what I am going to do… even a full stomach does not help. I fed Percy and George this morning, but I forgot to give George any ham when I let her out, though I did give poor Percy another packet of food, George usually eats most of the food. I had to let Percy out when I made the coffee. It is gobbling more than ever day, so poor Percy had to go out, and the smell of a packet of bacon and about eight blasted sausages sizzling away for that fat greedy coo is making me feel ill. I just hope that my eggs have not been found, grabbed, cooked and gobbled down. It would have no trouble gobbling down the box of ten that I bought, though I had trouble trying to eat three of them last evening. If my eggs are still there, I will have just two this evening, that should do me… if they have been grabbed and shovelled down, I shall have to make do with a bowl of noodles, though I will probably be so angry, I will not eat anything. I love you Topsy, I love you so much little girl, and I miss you, I miss you so much you beautiful brave little girl. XXXXX