William 21st April 2022

Good morning beautiful Topsy. Something went trundling off out of here yesterday much earlier than it usually does, so I went down there. I was going to take Molly with me, but she was in one of her nests, so I left her, which was just as well. As I was standing at the fridge, something came crashing through the big scary old door, and started bellowing at my poor Mum because it had crashed into something and fallen over. If Molly had been in the hallway, she would have been by that trolly, and would have got out, as I would have had no chance to catch her in time. It was bad enough that day when someone bang-bang-banged on the big scary old door whilst Charlie was in the hallway. Something came galloping out of one of the rooms to get to the door first, ignoring the fact that Charlie was there, and the only way that I could stop her from running out, was to grab her tail. I was dreading that it was going to stay home, as with the old ogre, the slightest knock meant two weeks off work, but thankfully, it went snorting off out again. I made my poor Mum her coffee, and got back up here, only to hear that severely deranged mini swamp-witching thing come waddling out with two drunken neanderthal moose’s, and the racket that they made was unbelievable… it was worse than anything I have heard for a long time. It got so bad that I had to quietly close the big window, had I shut it in anger, they would have started snorting, and got even louder. I could still hear them though, and it got so bad that I had to go back downstairs to sit with my poor Mum and sister. Of course, that was ruined a couple of hours later when something came crashing through the big scary old door again, and it kept going in an out of the room like a confused warthog. It was shoving the door open, coming in, going round the room, then go trundling off out again. It knows full well that annoys me, and it kept on and on and on until I gave up, and went down to the kitchen. The squawking was still going on over there at the swamp, and had got louder after I had got up here, and then the swamp-witching thing started wailing. It was wailing so much, I was hoping that it had fallen and broken one of its large noses. However, the racket soon stopped, and all I could hear was a herd of drunken old trollops. I cannot remember if they were still out there when I went to get my noodles, and I was so tired after I had gotten out of the way with Molly last night, I got into bed. I could not be bothered with Molly’s antics, and was soon asleep, but was soon awake again… I had an awful night, I was waking up every hour, and I got up this morning while it was still very dark. I fed Percy and George, but George ate most if the food, so after I had let George out, I gave poor Percy a plateful of ham with a tin of that posh chicken with a melting heart on top, and squirted some liver sausagey stuff on top of that. He was hungry, and after I had given him that, I got back up here out of the way. I went back down to see Percy a couple of times, and the second time that I went down there, he wanted to go out. I waited a while, but he did not want to come back in, so I got back out of the way again. I had to get out of the way so quickly, I forgot to put poor Percy’s plate away, but when I went back down there to make the coffee, I noticed that he had left all of the ham. He had eaten that chickeny thing that I had put in the middle, but could not be bothered with the ham, which I had broken up for him… maybe he will eat it later. As usual, something was waiting for me to get out of the way, but I was waiting for the bins to be emptied… nobody else can be bothered to do so, that is how some inbred lunatic pinched our last bin. I have to go out tomorrow morning little girl, I have to get my dopey daft head shaved, it is all woolly and horrible, and then I have to go into town to get more gobbling’s, so I will not be able to come back on here until the day after. I love you Topsy, I love you so much little girl, and I miss you, I miss you so much too you beautiful brave little girl. XXXXX