William 16th April 2022

Good morning beautiful Topsy. Yesterday was a much better day little girl, as I tap this out, I still cannot believe it. I was down there talking with my poor Mum and sister for a few hours, and did not get snorted at once, but I had better not do it again today, I do not want to cause any more arguments. I stayed down there from about an hour after midday until I usually go down there in the late afternoon, but then had to get out of the way for gobbling’s. I was very hungry by the time that I had my dinner, which was a small bowl of noodles, last evening, I think that Molly ate more than dopey me yesterday, Percy and George certainly did. After I had gotten up here out of the way with Molly last night, she settled down on one of her boxes, and I thought that there would be no loud wowing’s… of course, I was mistaken. She waited until I was just going to get in bed, then jumped down and started with her wowing. I did get a good sleep, and was greeted by Molly when I crawled out of bed this morning. I fed Percy and George, and seeing as George ate most of the food, I let her out without any ham… there was still ham out there from yesterday. I gave poor Percy his usual, then got back up here before I was run down by something wide and heavy. Percy wanted to go out when I went back down there to make the coffee, so out he went, and I came up here for Molly. I hope that today is as nice as yesterday was, it was such a nice day, with no slamming doors, loud snorting’s, or great big cakeholes going off. I love you Topsy, and I miss you too little girl. XxX