William 22nd February 2022

Good morning beautiful Topsy. That nasty old scary storm carried on yesterday morning, but it had calmed down by the time that I went down there to the kitchen just before midday, and I was pleased to see that poor Percy was there. I had a nice cuddle from him, then let him out… not long after, the storm started up again. I do not remember if I looked out there for him in the late afternoon, all I can remember is that I had to get out of the way… one of these late afternoons, I am going to have the time to get some mushroom soup ready. Gobbling’s and shovelling’s aside, I did enjoy my tenth evening of eating noodles, though I was still hungry, and could have done with some more. Being told not to be so greedy when I asked for food when I was a kid changed my mind though. After I had got out of the way with Molly last night, and after I had made sure that she was not going to be sick when she ate her food, I got into bed, and had a good sleep for a change. Of course, I was awake early this morning, and did not want to get up, but did so because Percy and George were waiting out there for their food. I gave them both two packets of the kitten food that I bought for Molly that she does not like, and George went out when she finished. I only opened a new pack of ham last evening to give to Percy and George, but that had gone by the time I left the kitchen to get back up here out the way. Percy still had some on his plate when I went back down to make the coffee, so before I had to get out of the way again, I slapped another packet of kitten food on top. I love you Topsy, and I miss you too little girl. XxX