William 21st November 2021

Good morning beautiful Topsy. That evil old swamp-witch was out the front there with its great big poisonous cakehole going yesterday afternoon little girl, I thought that it was never going to shut up. The only reason that I know that the evil odd coo was out there, is because I was down there talking to my poor Mum and little sister… much to somethings annoyance. It got more and more snorty the longer I was down there, and I was down there for just over two hours. In the end, I had to get back up here out of the way, as it was barging in and out of the room, snorting loudly, throwing itself down on one of the settees, then storming in and out again. If I had not been so angry, it would have been funny… a fully grown whateveritis, acting like a spoilt child, and that is the same way as the evil old ogre would act, only poor little you would have your little paws or tail ‘accidentally’ trod on. I could not have any mushroom soup last evening, as it would have taken too long to do, so I had to make do with yet another small bowl of noodles… but this time, for some strange reason, I did not choke on them. I bought twenty-four big chicken pies for my poor Mum and little sister, that were delivered along with a great pile of other stuff the other day. I thought that they would last a while, and did not think that something else would be gobbling them down. By yesterday afternoon, half the pies had been grabbed and gobbled down, along with two great big bags of chips. I had wanted a few of the chips, only about ten, but unless there is another bag in the freezer, I am going to have to go without again. So far this week, I have eaten two bowls of noodles and a few biscuits… something gobbled down more yesterday than I have all week, and then there is huge breakfasts today, and a huge lump of pork this afternoon. I fed Percy and George this morning, and George wanted to go out with a big lump of ham. Poor Percy stayed in, and I gave him his usual, but I had to put him out when I made some coffee earlier, at least I managed to get a cuddle from him… then I had to get out of somethings snorting way. I love you Topsy, I love you so much little girl, and I miss you, I miss you so much you beautiful brave little girl. XXXXX