William 9th October 2021

Good morning beautiful Topsy. If I could get hold of my dopey daft self little girl, I would give my dopey daft self a good booting in the spuds… that is how bad I feel about making my poor Mum ill, and I kept out of the way more than something already makes me do. That evil old ogre would make my poor Mum, my little sister and dopey daft me ill all the time, and it did not bother the old walrus the slightest bit, it just made him happier. He would still walk around with a great big dopey grin on his chops, looking like a deranged clown with piles. Something went slithering on out of here earlier than usual yesterday morning, so dopey daft me was hoping that I would not have to rush so much when I was allowed down there to the kitchen just before midday. Of course, something was waiting for me to get out of the way when I got down there, so I had to try and be quick. George started crying at the garden doors though, and I had to give her some ham, I could not leave her crying… but after that, up here I had to get, just so something could go trundling off out of here looking like a oversized, giant beaver. I cannot remember anything else until I went down there to the kitchen late yesterday afternoon, and even then, something was waiting for me to get out of its way, as it was waiting for another great big feed. I would not have had any time to get soup ready, it was just as well that I had some noodles for the evening. However, when I got down there to the kitchen last evening, I got a big woolly surprise, as something was waiting for me to get out of the way so that it could come thundering down the hallway, and do handbrake turns into the bathroom. It could not go in there before I went down there, while I was down there, or after I had come back up though, it had to be then. I took great delight in making the snorting, growling, trumpeting, wall-bending odd thing wait though, and gleefully drained the noodles, then heated the gravy until it was boiling. Apart from a few biscuits, I had not eaten anything for four days, and had choked terribly on noodles the evenink before… but I managed to eat them last evening, though I could not eat them all, my stomach was too full. I hoped that going to bed with a full stomach would get me some sleep. After I brought Molly up here last night, I got into bed, and I do not even remember my head hitting the pillows. I woke up a couple of times, and when I woke up this morning, it was just a few minutes before I usually get up. When I got down there to the kitchen, I let Percy and George in, gave them a good feed, let George out with ham, gave Percy ham and salmon, then got back up here out of the way before I was flattened by something very heavy. Percy wanted to go out when I went back down there to make some coffee, and surprise surprise, something was waiting for me to get out of the way. I came back up here for Molly so that she could see my poor Mum, but I had to get tomorrow’s joint out of the freezer. There was enough there for four normal humans, but only enough for one greedy odd selfish thing, that would have gladly gobbled down the lot, and left my poor Mum and little sister with nothing. I told my poor Mum that, and she knew what would happen, she knew that something would snavel down the lot, regardless that it had also gobbled the largest breakfasts as well. I made the coffee, and got some biscuits from the fridge before getting back up here out the way… and I did not choke on any of them. My stomach is full again, and I doubt that I will be eating anything else today. I would hate to think how we would have coped during the second world war, as that thing and the evil old ogre would have gobbled down a months worth of rations for everyone, in just one sitting, and then would still be looking around for more. I love you Topsy, and I miss you, I miss you so much little girl. XXXXX