William 3rd October 2021

Good morning beautiful Topsy. I kept getting hot and cold all day yesterday little girl, and unlike something else that did not stop gobbling and chomping yesterday, all I had were a few biscuits, and a bowl of mushroom soup… and that took ages to finish. Molly had the hump with me all day, and into the evening, but when I went down there to get Tiddles food ready last night, she decided to forgive me for giving her the flea treatment the night before. I had to keep getting out of somethings snorting, spoilt way each of the five times that dared to go back downstairs after I had got back up here after midday. By last night, when I had to get out the way for the fourth time, I wanted to get into bed early, but ended up getting in there aboot the same time, as Molly wanted to go down there to the kitchen one last time. I had a horrible, coughy, spluttery night, but eventually managed to get to sleep. I was having a wonderful dream about girls hugging me, when Molly woke me up, and it sounded as if she was scratching at the door. I was too tired, and felt far to yucky to move, so I called her, and she came ploughing across the bed, then jumped onto the fluur. I have only just remembered that, and I have no idea what she could have been scratching at… all I do remember is that it was exactly three o’clock, and it took me ages to get back to sleep. I hoped that the wonderful dream that I was having would continue, but of course, it did not. The next time I woke up, I had overslept by almost ten minutes, and I did not really want to wake up then, but I am glad that I did. It rained heavily all day yesterday, and I was worried abot Percy and George, and when I got down there to the kitchen, they were both waiting out there. I gave Percy and George a good feed, the let George out with a big lump of ham. I gave Percy his usual, then got back up here before something very large, and very heavy came thundering down the hallway. Had I been crashed into, I would have gone somersaulting through the big scary old kitchen door, through the garden doors, and ended up right down the bottom of the gardens with George, and in a great of pain. When I went back down to make the coffee, I had to let poor Percy out, as something gets fed more than usual today. I had to get out of the way as usual, and I do not think that I had got through the door before I heard the galloping of size fourty-eight hooves galloping down the hallway. Molly has not long decided to be sick over there by the big window… I did not get a chance to get to her in time, and it was all over the net curtains. Oh well. I love you so much Topsy, and I miss you so much too. XXXXX