William 2nd October 2021

Good morning beautiful Topsy. Yesterday was a weird day little girl, I can hardly remember a thing, except having to get out the way, eating some noodles last evening, and feeling absolutely awful. I had a sore throat four or five days ago, and it has gotten worse since, just as it did when my poor Mum and dopey daft me took you to that vet where we had to catch two, filthy, noisy, odd busses, and the old ogre had what he called ‘the sniffles.’ He had gone trundling off to work, so I came down, got little you ready, and headed for the vets that was three towns away. My poor Mum did not want to go to the vets where I take Charlie, you, Molly, and Tiddles because the evil old vet had left your beautiful little JoJo by a big, noisy, old alsation, and she had a heart attack because the noise scared her so much. I thought that my poor Mum was going to kill him, JoJo was only seventeen months old. It broke my poor Mum’s and my hearts when we lost JoJo, Dopey daft me was so upset that I had to take a week off work, and I had not long had to go back to work after my brain injury. I was so upset, the old ogre had already made us give Whisk away, and he went to one of my poor Mum’s friends. We did not use that vet again for fourteen years, I had to go there, as Charlie was having trouble peeing.and that was the second time it had happened. I took her to the vet because it was closer than going two towns away… I cannot remember who we saw, I think it was that nasty old baldy vet who grabs cats by the scruff of their necks. He did it to Charlie, and told me that it did not hurt them, but how did he know? If I had not been so worried about Charlie, I would have grabbed him by his odd wrinkly neck. Anyway, we saw the vet, and brought you back here, and I was stood in the hallway talking to my poor Mum. All of a sudden, something slithered up behind me, made me jump, and as I turned around, it was the evil old ogre… and he coughed and spluttered right in my face. He had come home because he did not feel well, but when I used to come round to see my poor Mum for pain relief tablets, he was always here, and would complain about me taking time off work. The pain in my heed was so bad, it hurt when I coughed, swallowed, or even had a shower. It also hurt when I got into a bath, but to the old ogre, or there sniffles,’ but that did not matter… I was off work, and he did not like it, though he would have a days off with a sore toe, or a finger. I have gone off again little girl, sorry. The day after the old ogre spluttered in my face, I felt as low as I do now, two days later, I could hardly move, and had lost my voice, and the following day, I could not get out of bed, and I had bronchial pneumonia. That night, I remember seeing all the horrible memories that I had suppressed, the beatings, the torment, and things that something else had done to me… I really do not know how I got better, but it took weeks, and I could not eat a thing. I hope that this does not turn into that, but I do not feel as bad as I did when I got up this morning, though I still feel terribly week, I have not even had any biscuits this morning. If I get any worse, I will not be able to go out and buy piles of food for something to shovel down, and I will not be able to take Tiddles to the vets… something else shall have to do that, and it should not be difficult, it has the strength of six baboons. I cannot think of much else to tell you little girl, if I do not come on here tomorrow, I will have gotten worse… but since I shut the big window, I have started warming up. I love you Topsy, I love you so much little girl, and I miss you too. XXXXX