William 7th June 2021

Good morning beautiful TopTops. It was a nice quiet day yesterday little girl, which I was not expecting at all, with no squawking’s, screaming’s, screeching’s, snorting’s, barking’s, wailing’s, bongo music, or terrible singing coming from over there at the stinking odd smelly swamping, old swampy swamp. The only thing that ruined yesterday, was dopey daft me choking on every piece of quiche that I ate last evening, even the smallest bit choked me. There was another thing that ruined things for me, and that was odd thingy being splothered across one of the settees when I went downstairs with Molly to see my poor Mum last night, and it had a great big blankety thing wrapped around itself. If it could have gotten all its own way, the heating would have been on, and then there would have been problems… as it was hot yesterday, but not enough to be uncomfortable. Seeing as I had an empty stomach, I thought that I would have had an awful night, but for some reason, I had a good one, though I was awake early again. When I got down there to the kitchen, I gave Percy and George a good feed, let George out with a big lump of ham, and gave poor Percy his usual concoction of ham and salmon. I then had to get back up here out of the way, before I was torpedoed by an angry odd thingy, hiding just off the coast of the hallway. I was allowed to have tea this morning, for the first time in ages. I managed to get a cuddle from Percy, though I could not stay down there for long, because as usual, odd thingy was waiting for me to get out of the way. It was nice and peaceful when I got up here, with just the little birds singing away, but in the past hour that has all been ruined by big cakeholes, and that evil odd swamp-witches dogs barking and jumping at the big old fence. However, that was not bad until just now, when the squawking’s of a big cakeholed, evil odd mini swamp-witching thing started with its great big poisonous squawking cakehole. It looks as if today is going to be one of those days little girl. We love you TopTops, we love you so much little girl, and we miss you, we miss you so much yo beautiful brave little girl. XXXXX