William 28th April 2021

Good morning beautiful TopTops. When I went down there to the kitchen just before midday yesterday, poor Percy was still in, which surprised me… I put him out, unpacked some catfood, made my poor Mum a drink, then had to get back up,here out of the way. Odd thingy had not even gotten out of its odd pyjamary thingies, at midday, if that had been me when I was a kid, I would have gotten a thorough beating from the old ogre for being lazy. It was a beautiful cool afternoon, with just the little birds singing away out there in the gardens. However, just before I went down there to the kitchen late yesterday afternoon, that monstrosity of a deranged, buck-toothed, lantern-jawed, toothless mini swamp-witching thing started with its great big screeching cakehole. Something swore terribly at it, and made it screech and squawk even worse than it had been, then it started wailing even louder. It probably tripped over its great big feed, and broke one of its noses, the blasted thing really did my head in, and it was still at it when I went back down for my quiche last evening. I had to be quick down there, as something was waiting for me to get out of its way, and when I got back up here with Molly, she started with her high-pitched wowing. I had not even got a couple of mouthfuls of food down me, and she would not stop wowing. I had to leave my food over there to take her back downstairs, where she went and laid down by the big scary old door. I brought her back up here because she could have been trodden on my a barging odd thingy, and she gave me just enough time to finish eating before starting with her wowings again. I had to take her down to see my poor Mum early, but when we got back up here, she kept wowing so much, I had to stick those waxy earoley things in. For some strange reason, I had a good nights sleep again, and when I woke up this morning, I felt much better… but as I was getting dressed, Molly went over to the door, and was sick everywhere. After I had cleared all that up, I went down there to the kitchen to feed Percy and George. I gave them both a good feed, George wanted to go out when she had finished, and I gave them both a big lump of ham before getting back up here out the way. I will not be able to come on here to Charlie and you tomorrow little girl, as I have to go to the bank that is four towns away, but I will be back on here the day after. I am dreading what I will have to bring back with me, all I wanted to buy was some quiches, and another big box of catfood, but I can see me having to stagger back with a load of blasted pork as well. Odd thingy will just sit there waiting for me to get back, so I have to get out of its snorting way, so that it can get ready to go out… oh well. We do love you Toppy, we love you so much little girl, and we do miss you, we miss you so much you beautiful brave little girl. XXXXX