William 27th April 2021

Good morning beautiful Topsy. To my surprise, poor Percy was still in when I went down there to the kitchen just before midday yesterday, and I had a cuddle before putting him out. I had another big surprise too, as that deranged thing from the swamp did not come out and ruin the beautiful sounds of all those beautiful little birds singing away in the gardens. Of course, by the time that I went down to the kitchen last evening, it had escaped. The noise from it was terrible, but thankfully, it was soon recaptured, and dragged off somewhere. I was starving, and had a quiche with a potatoey waffley thingy… and it was the last one, I am sure that I bought two boxes of them, but like everything else I buy, it disappears. I had another good nights sleep, and was awake early this morning, but seeing as Molly is still not talking to me, she did not come to greet me, she jumped onto the bed as I got dressed. I fed Percy and George, George went out when she had finished, and poor Percy stayed in with a saucer of ham. He did not want to go out when I went back down to make the coffee, so I left him curled up on Charlie’s chair by the scary old washing machine… he will probably be shoved out soon enough when something wants to sit there to be fed. I had to get out of the way quickly, and when I got up here, Molly wowed for some biscuits. She did not want to know me though, and is now over at the big window glaring at a herd of fat, greedy, odd selfish pig-eons that are weighing down the poor old trees branches out there. I would love to know how the greedy fat odd things know that I have filled the big bucket with nuts. We do love you Topsy, we love you so much little girl, and we do miss you, we miss you so much you beautiful brave little girl. XXXXX