William 12th April 2021

Good mornings TopTops. It was so depressing in this house yesterday little girl, just how it was when the old ogre was stomping around, ruining my poor Mum’s, my little sisters, and my lives. When I was allowed down there to the kitchen late yesterday afternoon, I noticed that the big scary old door had been unlocked and opened… and when I asked my poor Mum if anyone had called, she told me that odd thingy had been oot. It had gone trundling into town, and been to heed office, and had been told to report to work today. What my poor Mum was telling me did not sink in straight away, but when it did, I felt like jumping for joy… three and a half months of tormentation has come to an end, though it feels much, much longer, it feels more like three and a half years. With all of that lifted from my shoulders, I was sure that I would have a good nights sleep. I had a cheese and onion quiche, with a potatoey waffley thingy last evening, though I was so hungry, I could have eaten half as much again. Of course, I could not do that, as I only have one quiche left… and besides, I would not have got as far as the bottom of the stairs before I was flattened by a barging thingy. I had to get out of the way quickly enough when I took Molly down to see my poor Mum last night, and I did try not to be in a happy mood, which is not hard. I did not get the good nights sleep that I was hoping for though, Molly woke me up earlier than she did yesterday, and then I heard her jiggling around on that small table that I have beside the bed. I keep my phoney thingy there, along with a chargery thingy too. I tried to get back to sleep, but it was hopeless, so I got up… Molly was settling down where I had been sleeping before I had even had time to pull my trousers on. I fed Percy and George, and that little black cat was out there too, but there is not enough of Molly’s food to spare, I shall have to buy more. George tried to get to Percy’s food when she had finished hers, but I managed to stop her, so she wanted to go out. I put some ham on the food that Percy had left, gave it to him, then got back up here out of the way… I did not fancy being flattened at that time of the morning. I went to let Percy out when I went back down there, but it was cold, and it was raining… he took one look, and ran back in, so I left him in the kitchen. Odd thingy will probably shove poor Percy out though, as it will want to sit on Charlie’s chair waiting for poor Mum to make it a seventeen-course breakfast. Then there will be a huge lunch at heed office, a great big dinner late this afrernoonings, and tonight there will be cakes and cream. Dopey daft me has to wait until this evening for a quiche or a bowl of soup… and I get snorted at for daring to have that. We do love you TopTops, we love you so much little girl, and we do miss you, we miss you so much you beautiful brave little girl. XXXXX