William 11th April 2021

Good morning TopTops. Yesterday was a horrible day little girl, I could not get the thought of odd thingy gobbling down all that boiled bacony stuff to her greedy self. If the thought of that bouncing around in my dopey daft head was not enough, my little sister got into one of her moods. Little you knows how bad they can be, but then again, having that evil old ogre as a father, and odd thingy as a sister has not helped… at least I was able to escape from them. I have just remembered George howling out there in the garden last evening, so that was another big packety thingy of ham she has gotten through… I cannot remember if she kept on howling though. I had a horrible night, Molly was galloping across my legs all the time, she woke me very, very early this morning with her wowings, and if that was not enough, she came onto the pillows and started wowing and whirring, it was hopeless trying to get back to sleep. As I got up, I pulled the big sheet across the bed, Molly settled down, and I staggered off down there to the kitchen to feed poor Percy and George. Poor Percy ran in as soon as I opened the garden doors, but George to a while before she came wailing along. I gave them both a good feed, and when George had finished, I let her out, gave Percy some ham, and got back up here out of the way before I was run down by an eighteen wheeled odd thingy. When I went back down to make some coffee, I had to let poor Percy out, or he would have been shoved out when somethings huge breakfast was going to be cooked. He would have probably run to the big scary old door, and asked to go out that way, which is strange, as he always wants to go out of the garden doors. I had to get out of the way quickly, but managed to get a few biscuits beforehand, they will have to do me until this evening. We do love you TopTops, we love you so much little girl, and we do miss you, we miss you so much you beautiful brave little girl. XXXXX