William 23rd March 2021

Good morning beautiful TopTops. Yesterday was another good day little girl, though odd thingy went slithering out an hour before midday yesterday, and I knew nothing about it until I went past the big scary old door with Molly. Odd thingy usually makes a lot of noise before it goes trundling off out, with its great big cakehole, the clattering of its odd carts, and of course, the slamming’s of the big scary old door. I grabbed hold of Molly, and got her into the kitchen to safety, as I was expecting odd thingy to come crashing through the big scary old door at any moment. When I had made my poor Mum her drink, I carried Molly into one of the rooms to safety, then made sure that my poor Mum got past as well. I was stood by the big scary old door one day when odd thingy came crashing through it, I was in the way, so it gave an even bigger shove. I do not know how I managed not to knock my poor Mum over, then I had a go at odd thingy… it was exactly the same thing as that evil old ogre would do. They put all of their ginormous weight behind the door, and give it as much shoving as the possibly can. Poor Charlie was crying for her breakfast early one Sunday morning, so I took her down there to the kitchen for her chicken and rice that I mashed with water, and she was so hungry. For some reason, I stood behind her instead of sitting down, and out the corner of my eye, I saw the big scary old kitchen door handle moving. I just managed to pick poor Charlie up out of the way, as the big scary old kitchen door burst open… I was almost hit by it, as it burst open with so much force. Of course, we all know who it was, it was that evil old ogre, who had come slithering down the stairs and the hallway without making any noise whatsoever. Usually the evil old ogre, and odd thingy were like bull elephants on roller-skates, they made as much noise as they possibly could, especially on a morning. However, when they wanted to creep up on you, they could be like ninjas… how, with so much weight behind them, I do not know. The old ogre made some excuse of not knowing that Charlie and dopey daft me were there, but you could always tell when he was lying, as his odd lips were moving, The evil old ogre was trying to catch dopey daft me eating, but I would not be eating anything for over fourteen hours… and that would only happen if he did not catch me in the evening. Anyway, back to odd thingy yesterday… I only stated in that room a few minutes, then picked Molly up to come back up here, and she backpeddled me for all she was worth. I did not hear odd thingy come back, but she did, with no big cakeholing, no noise at all. I managed to eat my quichey thingy with a potatoey waffley thing last evening, but it was not cooked through properly… I ate it anyway, as I was so hungry, and I could not have got back downstairs anyway. I had put on too much salt, and drank some Vimto afterwards, which I choked on. I also had an awful night little girl, it was so bad, I overslept by ten minutes this mornings. Poor Percy was waiting at the garden doors when I got down there to the kitchen. George was dithering around as usual, but they both had a good feed, I let George out with ham, and then let poor Percy out when I went back down there to the kitchen to make coffee. If today is another good day, it will be the first time in modern history that an odd thingy has not started for four days in a row… it might even make the news. We do love you TopTops, we love you so much little girl, and we do miss you, we miss you so much you beautiful brave little girl. XXXXX