William 2nd March 2021

Good morning beautiful Toppy. I feel dreadful again little girl, I feel so bad that I could just get back into my nice big bed, and sleep for ages, but I cannot do that. Even if I wanted to do so, something would happen as it did two days ago so I would be woken up, be it saucypanny thingies being smashed down, or even doors slammed as hard as possible. I think that it was about this time two days ago that I fell asleep in this chair, I could not help it. I tried to fight it, as I had only been out of bed around four hours, but it was hopeless, and I just drifted off… it is just how I feel now, but I would rather save it for tonight. Odd thingy went trundling out for another great big pile of meat yesterday, the freezer was jam-packed four days before that, but judging by what I saw on odd thingies huge dinner plate late yesterday afternoon, the freezer will be half empty by the time I go into town again. Still, I was told that I would not have to buy anything this week, all I have to do is buy a big box of catfood, four boxy packety thingies of ham for Percy and George, and some tins of soup for my dopey daft self. I was starving yesterday, and had something that I adored when I was a kid… mashed eggs in a cup, only greedy odd me had four mashed eggs in a bowl, with two slices of bread and butter. Of course, I choked on it, and I choked on my hot drink too. Now there is me not had anything to eat for two days, yet odd thingy had enough food on her dinner plate to feed a small family, and that was her second filling. Dopey daft me chokes on mashed eggs, yet odd thingy cleared her plate, and probably ate that as well, along with the knife and fork. I do not know if I had a good night little girl, I did not want to get up when I woke up early this morning, but I did, as Percy and George were waiting. I gave them both a good feed, then ham, and when I let George out, I gave her more ham, and left Percy with some too. He will probably be wanting to go out soon, which is weird, as he did not want to go out at all yesterday morning when I had to put him out. I only found out afterwards that he need not have gone out, as Molly was allowed to go into one of the rooms with my poor Mum. I feel dreadful little girl, maybe tomorrow I will feel better. We do love you Topsy, we love you so much little girl, and we do miss you, we miss you so much you beautiful brave little girl. XXXXX