William 10th November 2020

Good morning beautiful Topsy. It was absolutely terrible with the ogress here yesterday little girl, she made sure that we could not do any of the things that we usually do when she goes trundling off to,work. She went trundling off out, and came crashing through the big scary old door just when I was going to go downstairs… I would have been level with the big scary old door when she came crashing through it, and Molly would have been with me too. I do not know how I knew, but I just knew what she was going to do… it is probably because it is exactly what the old ogre used to do to me. I even had to get out of her barging way when I went down there to the kitchen just before midday, as she was waiting for me to get out of her way so that she could to go out again, blasted lockdown. I was not as depressed towards the end of last week, but now I feel as low as I was before, if not lower. Some idiots were still letting off nasty old scary fireworks yesterday morning, and even yesterday afternoon, even though it was absolutely pouring down. I looked out there into the garden for poor Percy and George, but I could not see them, and thankfully, I did not see that tiny black kitten either. I remembered to take my medication last night, so I did not have to go back downstairs, and suddenly be in the ogresses snorting way. I had been forgetting lately, but it was all clear down there in the hallway and kitchen… that was until the third time that I went down there, and there she was, snorting and barging, just as the old ogre used to. I remembered to take them early last night, and got into bed earlier than usual, and was asleep as soon as my heed had hit the pillows. I was still tired when I woke up this morning though, even though I only woke up a couple of times. I did not want to get out of bed this morning, but I had overslept by over twenty minutes, so off I staggered to feed poor Percy and George. I gave them both a good feed, then some ham, and they both wanted to go out… poor Percy has stayed in the past few mornings. Of course, I had to get out of the ogresses snorting way when I went back down to make some tea, so up here I got before I was flattened. The big old shoppy place will be delivering some stuff that I ordered last week soon, and she will be waiting in the hallway, even though she has not been told that it is coming. Of course, I ordered a load of blasted sausages so that I would not have to bring any back with me when I go into town the day after tomorrow… but they told me this morning that they did not have any, a huge shoppy place like that, and they have no blasted sausages. Now I have to bring more of the blasted things back with me when I go out… I am as sick of seeing them as I am of seeing blasted empty tins. It is all because of the ogress, who walloped down twelve big fat blasted sausages with a great big tin of beans, and a load of bread and butter last year… and she was still looking for more food when she had finished, and she got it as well. That is why I hate blasted sausages little girl, she is always gobbling then down. At least they are sending dopey me some Vimto, I was going to bring some back with me when I went into town, though I doubt very much there will be any room for any… that is if I do not get arrested, beaten up, and fined £100,000 for not wearing a blasted mask. We do love you Topsy, we love you so much little girl, and we do miss you, we miss you so much you beautiful brave little girl. XXXXX