William 26th August 2020

Good morning beautiful Topsy. The nasty old scary wind was blowing around a lot yesterday little girl, thought it did not keep,that evil old trolloping swamp-witches dogs from barking and jumping at the big old fence for much of yesterday. That deranged mini swam[-witching thing managed to escape, and come to the big old fence where it was screaming, squawking, screeching, squealing, and snorting. Thankfully, the nasty old scary wind really got up, and it went screaming back off into their rotten odd hovel. I cannot remember if it rained, I was so tired that it is a wonder I have remembered what I have just tapped down. I was not allowed downstairs much yesterday little girl, and when I was able to get down there, I had to get back up here as quickly as I could, as someone was either waiting to go out, or get into the kitchen. I bought a load of shopping the day before yesterday when I went to the bank that is three towns away, so I was hoping that I would be allowed to buy myself some stuff tomorrow when I go into town again, but of course, I have to buy more blasted meat. My poor Mum has already been ordered to tell me to get more blasted pork chops and a great big bag of chips, but the list will be much, much longer by tomorrow morning, even though the freezer if packed full of food. I was hoping to buy myself some salad to have with a couple of egg rolls, but there will not be any room for that sort of thing… besides, I forgot that I would not be able to get down there to the kitchen to boil and shell the eggs, that takes far to long for the likes of me, and I would be in someone’s snorting way. Seeing as I have to go into town again tomorrow, I will to be able to come on here to Charlie and you little girl, but I will be back on here the day after. I at last had a good nights sleep last night, the first in a long time, and I feel a lot better, I was awake a few minutes before I usually get up. When I got down there to the kitchen and had opened the garden doors, only George came galloping in, there was no sign of poor Percy. I waited for him though, and eventually he came galloping up the garden, and I gave them both a good feed, then some of that turkey ham. Poor Percy did not eat any of his ham, he sometimes does not, but I was shocked to see that George had left hers too, normally she would have swallowed the slices whole… they must be being fed elsewhere. It looks like it is ping to e another windy day little,girl, and big surprise, it is going to be raining while I am in town tomorrow, but I a,looking forward to a good soaking, as it is bound to be very hot again. We do love you Topsy, we love you so much little girl, and we do miss you, we miss you so much you beautiful rave little girl. XXXXX